Improving Bench Press for a weak girl :)



  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    JNick gave good info, but I'd stay away from Westside as it starts incorporating things the normal gym goer won't have access to, chains, bands, etc. The best way to progress in your bench, like mentioned, is to simply do it. Stronglifts 5x5 is a good start, Starting Strength is a good book, and a great program for beginners in terms of form and starting out in lifting. If you don't have a spotter, find a squat rack and set the pins at a safe spot, not touching the bar on the descent but at a point where if you needed to bail out you could easily drop on the pins. SYTYCB by Dave Tate is geared totally for competetive lifters, but definitely has some good information in it. Hit the accessory work too, triceps, biceps, chest, lats, all need attention.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    SYTYCB by Dave Tate is geared totally for competetive lifters, but definitely has some good information in it.

    I think there are a couple good takeaways from Tate's video. One, keeping your butt on the bench and keeping some arch in your back, even if it's not as extreme as he teaches. Staying balanced and elbow position can be very important.