Pregnant and still trying to lose weight



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I am only to gain a total of 11 lbs my whole pregnancy..
    Pffft. I agree with your doctor on the first point. Work out regularly, eat well, don't try to lose. But your body is going to do what it's going to do. As long as you're eating and moving appropriately, you really have no control over how much you gain. So relax and enjoy this time! :)
    I agree. Sure, you may be bummed that you gained 8 pounds in the first month, but I can't help but wonder if trying to lose could be harmful for the baby. He said try not to gain more than 11 lbs. Did he say feel free to try to lose if you gain more than that? It's really not about what you want anymore. Just enjoy this time and worry about losing weight after the baby is born.
  • nakie22
    nakie22 Posts: 13 Member
    I spoke to my doctor about the same issue and she told me that it takes at least 1700 cal a day to feed you and the baby. Therefore I give myself at least that much. I try to stay below 1920 a day but as with you the cravings sometimes take over. I defiantly try to watch what I eat and limit the junk! I have gained 10 lbs and I am 11 wks but i am not allowed to exercise for other reasons. So, if you give into the cravings don't beat yourself up..just keep logging and exercising if possible and you wont gain as much weight. This is also my second pregnancy and I am doing much better because with my first pregnancy I had already gained at least 20 LBS BY NOW...LOL
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Do exactly what your doctor tells you. Everyone else has made the point that exercise and eating healthy couldn't be more of a good idea, but you certainly don't want to deprive the little person inside or you any calories or nutrients by giving your self a calorie deficit. I can understand the desire, and I can understand the thread, but a trained medical professional is who you should be talking to, no one can give you sound advice on this because of all the variables.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I had a baby in November, and the midwife harped on at me everytime I saw her about losing weight. She even gave me vouchers for Slimming World, I kept telling her I didnt want to go on a diet whilst pregnant. BUt on and on she went. So apparently its ok to diet when youre pregnant. In the end I ate wtf I wanted, and only netted 1lb.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    It's important to not treat pregnancy as a disability. That's a major reason for the state of materinity care in the US. In the US, pregnant women are treated like cripples. All around the world, women carry on with their lives and give birth to big, healthy babies-most times outside of the hospital.

    If you are overweight, there is nothing wrong if you happen to lose a few pounds during your pregnancy. Obese women have a higher risk for complications during labor, as well as a higher risk for cesarean.

    Remember that OB's are trained SURGEONS. They do not specialize in normal birth, although many of them do attend them. I'd suggest a midwife for prenatal care.

    This is just my opinion, based on a few years of research on OBs, VBAC, cesarean rates, and maternity care in the US. I do not know your specific situation, so of course just take this as just something to look into.
  • I have talked with my Dr. I was told I wasn't able to activley lose weight....that means no crazy work outs and don't not eat properly.
    I was told I can do light work outs (don't overheat the body) and to change the foods I am eating. I am only to gain a total of 11 lbs my whole pregnancy.....however I gained 8 the first month and now have just lost 2. So I am trying to just do better.

    Sounds like you have a good plan.
    I gained a bit more in the beginning as well because the only thing that tasted and sounded good were BAD foods, lol. I've since lost it though thanks to having GD, being on Insulin and being held very accountable to what I put in my mouth.

    I used to live in Edmonton .. close to the WEM. I could walk there in under 5 minutes ... dangerous .. LOL