I need a good kick in the pants!

kiwipez Posts: 144
I have fallen (off the wagon) and I can't get up! I have found myself going back to my horrible food habits. Too much fast food, sugar cravings, no willpower, binging. I have put on about 7 pounds since the beginning of July. I just can't seem to get it together. I have no skills to manage my stress other than eating. Exercise is the first thing to go out the window, then the bad food habits creep back in. HELP!


  • I've been slipping up too.
    I got really down on myself one night and went crying to my mum who told me to relax about the diet because it's making me hate myself. So I listened to her and I no longer hate myself and I'm happier but I daren't weigh myself.
    I need to get back on the wagon too.
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Each day is a new day!! Just do the best you can and start over. Don't try to change everything all at once. Maybe start by changing your diet first. Start logging again. Then add in working out when you feel have the food situation under control. You can do this!! You did it once before, right? :happy:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    **kicks in pants**

    Maybe you need to find an exercise that you really enjoy. My favorite and easiest one is a walk during lunch. I get the fresh air, a break from my desk, and some exercise. I look forward to it.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    You are totally no alone with this! I am having the same issues. I am a beachbody coach, and I feel like I'm playing 2 different people with this, one side of me is totally raving about how i work out, i eat great, and then at home, im totally not doing what i say im doing. I guess, for me, i was getting bored with my workouts. I just ordered a new workout program, and i will be starting that 90 day committment on Monday, and i'm hoping this is just what i need! Maybe you need to do that as well!? change things up a bit!? Good luck!
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    You sound like me with needing a kick in the butt. Haha.

    I kept saying that too and no one could do or say anything that I didn't already know! But, it never helped me. I just finally told myself if I ME don't do something then nothing will be done. No one else can really help me. I make my own decisions and this is one I'm going to make for myself ALONE.

    Just have to suck it up, really. Think about how you'll feel after you eat or do something you shouldn't be eating or doing. If you know you'll regret just go for the better decision. You'll feel better in the end!

    Hope you get back on it! :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Start again...right now. Go for a walk then make yourself a healthy dinner. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Go to bed at a decent hour. Drink plenty of water. Start a journal. Reward yourself with non-food items. No one can help you but yourself.
    JENNIFERTOPS Posts: 4 Member
    you can do this !!! Remember calories in calories out. MFP is a great tool use it !
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Firstly, well done on your 25lb, and 7lb back you can recover from quickly if you get back on the wagon. Give yourself half an hour to write down why you started in the first place, health reasons, clothes family etc. Write down why you liked being 25lb lighter - then, restock your fridge, throw out any naughty stuff hanging around and think to yourself, ok so I had a break, I'm back on it. We all get fed up with bits of it from time to time, but I know I wouldn't want to go back to where I was, and you won't either - you can do this!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    You can do this!! You did it once before, right? :happy:

    You are so right!
    Thank you!
  • When I get stressed it helps (for me) to walk. I like to storm off and walk somewhere by myself. Then if I go back and want to stress eat I have already burned some calories off...not healthy I know...But it works for me. YOU GET UP, DUST YOURSELF OFF, TOMORROW YOU START NEW!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! And good luck!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    Getting back on the wagon myself today! Join me?? :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you for writing this! I feel like I am starting to go backwards and it is nice to hear I am not alone. WE can do this! It seems to work so much better for me when I am accountable to others.

    Thanks again! Jane
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    You are totally no alone with this! I am having the same issues. I am a beachbody coach, and I feel like I'm playing 2 different people with this, one side of me is totally raving about how i work out, i eat great, and then at home, im totally not doing what i say im doing. I guess, for me, i was getting bored with my workouts. I just ordered a new workout program, and i will be starting that 90 day committment on Monday, and i'm hoping this is just what i need! Maybe you need to do that as well!? change things up a bit!? Good luck!

    I started the Turbo Fire and really loved it, then went on vacation...
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I battled with that same thing for so long.....I must say things have improved greatly since I found MFP...there are some really GREAT people on here...and lots of encouragement. Dont give up...just hop back on and start!!! Tomorrow is always a new day, a fresh start....You CAN do it....You are stronger than you think :)

    Feel free to add me if it helps!!!
  • *kicks right in the bum* get back into it! :D
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    You are totally no alone with this! I am having the same issues. I am a beachbody coach, and I feel like I'm playing 2 different people with this, one side of me is totally raving about how i work out, i eat great, and then at home, im totally not doing what i say im doing. I guess, for me, i was getting bored with my workouts. I just ordered a new workout program, and i will be starting that 90 day committment on Monday, and i'm hoping this is just what i need! Maybe you need to do that as well!? change things up a bit!? Good luck!

    I started the Turbo Fire and really loved it, then went on vacation...

    then start it up again! i cannot wait to get that!
  • I agree that you have to mix it up a little. Get excited again by buying a new gadget to help you (a new scale, a calorie counter watch, a new workout video...) Find something that gets you excited about it again and before you know it you will be back :)! Good luck :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Find an exercise you love...that might jump start you.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    The only one who can make the change is YOU! If stress is the reason you've fallen off the wagon, maybe look around online for some stress relief techniques. If it's a lack of encouragement that's hurting you, add some friends! (You can add me if you like!) As far as food, don't buy the junk. Just keep healthier versions around. When you don't want to work out, do 10 minutes. If you still want to quit after 10 min, quit! But you might find 10 min is all it takes. Find something you enjoy.

    I hit a motivational slump and was told to read your profile. What is your reason for being here? What are your goals? What inspires you to keep going? Maybe your profile will remind you why you're here. Maybe you need to re-evaluate it. Either way, you gotta find that motivation again.

    Good luck!
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