10 Pound Platue?

I have heard that you can expect to see some slowing around your 10 pound mark? Is this true? I weigh myself every friday morning, and when I first started dieting I could not for the life of me bust through 180, I stayed pretty much there for about 3 weeks before I dropped under 180, and now I think I might be nearing the same thing for my 170 mark. I didnt lose any weight this past week, and im already frustrated! anyone have this issue?....ever?....or is it just me?


  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    I'm having the EXACT same issue. Was told not to weigh myself everyday, so I'll wait until Tuesday to see if I can break this funk.
  • dlovesjimma
    dlovesjimma Posts: 39 Member
    I have 10 pounds left... I haven't lost a pound in 6 months. So I came here, we shall see if tracking my stuff gets me past the plateau.

    Good luck!
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    I have the same problem with every 10 pound increment. If I just keep plugging away, I eventually start to lose again. I am wondering if maybe adjusting calories is the answer since I have heard that for about every 10 that you lose, you should be adjusting your intake. ???
  • my intake is at 1200, I cant imagine it going down any lower, at least not yet!

    I am very frustrated!
  • Me too! I have stayed at the 11lb weight loss for about two weeks. It is frustrating. MFP changed my calories for me, and now my goal is even less...they have me at 1240! It doesn't seem like much, I usually go over but have my exercise calories that push me under. I am just trying to work out harder at least 5x a day and stay the course with my intake. I blame myself sometimes because I do allow myself one bad day a week otherwise I would crave food too much and blow the diet. Good luck!! Hopefully we both see some movement soon!
  • 5x/ a week for exercise! I am not exercising 5x/day lol
  • _Splenda_
    _Splenda_ Posts: 22 Member
    I completely know how you feel. I've been on a weight loss journey for the past year now. I must admit i didnt hit a plateau until i lost about 20 lbs then again once i hit 40 lbs lost (stayed at the same weight for 5-6 months as well).

    you have to remember that:
    1.) your weight usually stays around a 3 lbs range day to day. So if i weighed myself today, its may show a 3 lbs loss, tomorrow may show a 2 lb gain, the next a 1 lbs loss. try to keep that in mind

    2.) a plateau is just a sign that your body is getting use to what you've been doing. try either eating more (sounds scary i know) or cutting back on the exercise for about a few days. ORRRR cut cals even more & up the exercise.

    i know it is discouraging but Plateau's pass, you just have to be patient & not give up. :)
  • 5x/ a week for exercise! I am not exercising 5x/day lol

    I would be amazed if you did, if anyone did!!
  • I completely know how you feel. I've been on a weight loss journey for the past year now. I must admit i didnt hit a plateau until i lost about 20 lbs then again once i hit 40 lbs lost (stayed at the same weight for 5-6 months as well).

    you have to remember that:
    1.) your weight usually stays around a 3 lbs range day to day. So if i weighed myself today, its may show a 3 lbs loss, tomorrow may show a 2 lb gain, the next a 1 lbs loss. try to keep that in mind

    2.) a plateau is just a sign that your body is getting use to what you've been doing. try either eating more (sounds scary i know) or cutting back on the exercise for about a few days. ORRRR cut cals even more & up the exercise.

    i know it is discouraging but Plateau's pass, you just have to be patient & not give up. :)

    Thanks! that helps a bit! I steadily go to the gym 5 days a week, for about an hour and half, I hope I get pass this, its so much harder when you're not seeing results after pushing yourself so hard!