Commenting on articles

adross3 Posts: 606 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
When somebody writes a time consuming informative article, don't go in and bash. No one has ever succeeded with a protest. Only activists can change the minds of people. Write your better artlcle and leave a link. That way you won't start an argument. When making your case, make sure that you include .....all details..... on why your idea is better and why the other is not. Then end it in a combined statement.

For example. I just wrote an article on BMI scales. Several people just came in and said this is better. That's it. They did not include why, cost or comparison. Leaving the informative article tainted. Yet, the reader sits there stunned not knowing the truth. It turns out to be a I said/ they said goopy mess.

Another thing here is that people don't understand that there are many successful diets and many "levels of understandings". Just because you understand something doesn't mean others do. WoW how Gestalt of me to say so.

It is a progression of levels. That is the ultimate understanding of writing.


  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Only wanted to commend on the awesome use of the word "Gestalt" in your post. What a rare treat. Well done.:)
  • If I start reading a comment & it turns out to be a bash, I stop & move on. This is a support site to learn from each other & help each other. Like the people who bash & correct those who *misspeell* words or do not use correct grammer. This isn't English class...
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