What a jerk!



  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I always get the pregnant stuff. "When is the baby due?" "Oh I see your pregnant..." Even as a teenager (and still "pure" so to speak). That is def killer.

    I got this too! I was so hurt I got the "Well yah look like it!" as a reply. Hang in there. People will always be morons. just pride yourself in knowing that he was an idiot and you are most likely not the only one he offended that day.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I used to work in retail. Back when I wasn't even overweight some old lady returned a shirt and said "oh it didn't fit my daughter- but it could probably fit you since you seem to be expecting! when are you due?" I even asked her "what did you just say?!" she repeated herself in the most annoying manner ever. It was at this point that I figured it was worth getting written up for so I responded "well actually ma'm I'm not expecting and I don't think you should make those dumbass remarks to girls that are half your size... unless.. wait... are you expecting?!" Needless to say she shut right up and left.

    LOL! That's way worth getting witten up for. LOLz!!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'd tell him that he should wear the underwear because it looks like it would fit him!!!!!!!!:laugh:

    Yeah! How about "well, they might fit you because they are clearly made for a big *kitten*"

    I like this one! He was an idiot and obviously :embarassed: ***** whipped to be exchanging his wife's panties to start with!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member

    I like this one! He was an idiot and obviously :embarassed: ***** whipped to be exchanging his wife's panties to start with!
    HA! I was thinking the same thing, what kind of man would do that? Bet he was really old and senile.
  • Tuffjourney
    What a d.i.c.k. I cant believe how rude that is.:angry:
  • anjulie787
    anjulie787 Posts: 24 Member
    I used to work in retail. Back when I wasn't even overweight some old lady returned a shirt and said "oh it didn't fit my daughter- but it could probably fit you since you seem to be expecting! when are you due?" I even asked her "what did you just say?!" she repeated herself in the most annoying manner ever. It was at this point that I figured it was worth getting written up for so I responded "well actually ma'm I'm not expecting and I don't think you should make those dumbass remarks to girls that are half your size... unless.. wait... are you expecting?!" Needless to say she shut right up and left.

  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    People are so stupid and hurtful. I cannot believe some of the things that come out of people's mouths. Have to laugh about him returning his wife's undies. Really? What man does that? Perhaps they were his??? LMAO
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I probably would have replied with I just helped a guy who purchased VERY small boxers. Then I would have looked below his waist and said yes VERY small like yours I meant you.

  • trishoida
    I always get the pregnant stuff. "When is the baby due?" "Oh I see your pregnant..." Even as a teenager (and still "pure" so to speak). That is def killer.

    When I worked in retail I got this at least a handful of times. I would just tell them a date because I was so embarrassed and didn't have much self-esteem.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I recently left my job working at a grocery store, but a few months back I was ringing up this old man who I swear I had only seen ONCE before. And he told me "Your face looks a lot fuller than it used to be."

    UMMMM.....thanks? I almost cried. The only reason I didn't was because at that point I had lost about 20 lbs, so I KNEW the truth. Still, it was mean.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Well, I wear XL underwear, and my husband thinks I look just fine. So, since you are apparently smaller than me, I think that you are fine!

    Size is relative, and his view of big is probably different from most peoples' view.

    Hope you feel better!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Ugh, one of my coworkers is from china and he lacks tact and sometimes appropriateness. One day he said "you would be prettier if you were taller" and another time he said "you should probably go to the gym more"

    He's a smoker, I'm probably in better cardio health than him, he was just blessed with the Asian metabolism!

    One of my other coworkers, was like "you're fine, don't listen to him, he's like 6 foot and a buck twenty" it's true, he's definitely in no position to talk about my size since his isn't really desireable!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    What goes around, comes around is a saying here in the UK. My neighbour, talking to my wife, commented that she thought I looked like I was carrying a lot of weight!!! My wife was gobsmacked!

    I've lost most of my weight, her husband is now as big as I was, but to boot, has lost most of his hair. Neither of us have said anything to her, but each time I see them I smile inside (and perhaps little on the outside too)
  • cpreble85
    cpreble85 Posts: 1
    Just be glad that your not married to him. It's one thing to be that mean to a stranger....but his wife! Poor dear....