What a jerk!



  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Well, I wear XL underwear, and my husband thinks I look just fine. So, since you are apparently smaller than me, I think that you are fine!

    Size is relative, and his view of big is probably different from most peoples' view.

    Hope you feel better!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Ugh, one of my coworkers is from china and he lacks tact and sometimes appropriateness. One day he said "you would be prettier if you were taller" and another time he said "you should probably go to the gym more"

    He's a smoker, I'm probably in better cardio health than him, he was just blessed with the Asian metabolism!

    One of my other coworkers, was like "you're fine, don't listen to him, he's like 6 foot and a buck twenty" it's true, he's definitely in no position to talk about my size since his isn't really desireable!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    What goes around, comes around is a saying here in the UK. My neighbour, talking to my wife, commented that she thought I looked like I was carrying a lot of weight!!! My wife was gobsmacked!

    I've lost most of my weight, her husband is now as big as I was, but to boot, has lost most of his hair. Neither of us have said anything to her, but each time I see them I smile inside (and perhaps little on the outside too)
  • cpreble85
    cpreble85 Posts: 1
    Just be glad that your not married to him. It's one thing to be that mean to a stranger....but his wife! Poor dear....
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