Save $3K (at least don't waste it!)

A friend of mine paid a Dr $3K for a total of 3-months weight loss program, one visit per week. The doctor ran numbers like: her weight, body fat %, BMI, total lbs of fat vs other matter, goals, etc... She already knew she needed to lose weight, or she wouldn't have gone there! When she loses enough weight to make her happy, she won't care what the read out says anymore. (Her cholesterol, blood pressure, and/or HGL levels were NOT on the readout!)

Her doctor gave her a paper folder stuffed with black n white photo-copied information. I read it. The plan is really like a South Beach Diet, but referred to as simply a low-glycemic diet. She spent $3000 to learn a diet you could have learned by picking up the South Beach Diet book on Amazon for $10. Oh yeah, she gets weighed and a Vitamin B12 shot in her rear each week. My heart broke for her. She knows I lost over 100 pounds eating normal foods and enjoyed splurging on brownies, or a few Cheetos, whatever I wanted within my calorie count... And If I can do it, anybody can. I heard that, well after 40 it gets harder, blah blah blah.. I am over 40.

For those of you doing MFP... Good for you! Please know you are on the right track... the track to freedom! Now that I have lost the weight, I can eat more calories... MFP said so, and I am eating them, and not gaining. I understand why those skinny people could eat fries and still be skinny... They most likely didn't splurge daily, and they didn't have to create a calorie deficit.

You'll get there if you stick to it. And won't you be glad you didn't spend $3K ?


  • pamela1129
    pamela1129 Posts: 59 Member
    Your poor friend!

    I agree with everything you said. THIS is the way to do it. Slowly, eating right and exercising. MFP is the BEST thing I've ever found.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Very glad! I can spend that $3K on those new clothes I'll need from sticking with MFP!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    A friend/coworker of mine started on one of those herbal diet plans a little while back. I actually said something about it being a bunch of crock when I saw her reading the papers about it. She told me she was on it and it had worked for her before.
    She pays for majic pills- a DAILY weigh in and to be put on a restricted diet where they tell her what to eat. She has lost only a minimal amount of weight. Grant you she is mid 50s and has two bad knees - so exercise is difficult. She told me not everyone can do it like I am - and some people need help....

    I have no secrets. I stick to my calorie limit and exercise when I can as much as I can muster. I think ANYONE can do that. ... I know its slow going at first for some but you work up to it!!!!
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I have several coworkers who did that too but they were also given a couple of other shots. I think one may have been a fat blocker? They also were on a 600 calorie a day diet. Well anyway, they lost the weight quickly but gained it all back as soon as they tried to do it on their own. I guess some people are afraid of a little hard work.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Couldn't agree with you more - I feel bad for your friend - so many people are looking for a magic solution, when the secret to weight loss is so simple and within everyone's reach. Simply eating more healthily, small portions, regular exercise, and a bit of patience because it's not going to all come off in a week or two.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    ...they were also given a couple of other shots. I think one may have been a fat blocker?

    She said one of her supplements was a carb blocker. Why block anything instead of learning to simply eat the right amounts? That reminds me that another friend of mine decided to take a fat blocker, Ali, to help her lose weight faster. That was months ago. She is not any thinner now than when she purchased them. She may have lost and then gained back between the purchase and now.
  • wuaname
    wuaname Posts: 12 Member
    The $3K might just be the motivation a person needs, when you are spending that kind of money or having to see the doctor weekly.. But you are right, it is a lot of money, to most of us at least.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    It is amazing what people will buy or "buy into" for health! People could sell elephant snot and make a fortune if they sold it as a weight loss tonic! You HAVE to be in the right frame of mind to lose weight and no miracle diet or drug will help you! It is about motivation and ONLY YOU can control your weight loss efforts! I feel sorry for her, but I'm sure she is not alone in the ranks of getting ripped off for health! I just hope that those of us who have been successful on MFP so far can steer clear of those luring traps! There is no quick fix!! Thanks Julie for sharing.:)