Runtastic Pro App USERS!

Does anyone have this app? I searched the threads and while there were a couple of threads none had what I was looking for.

For those who have the app how accurate is it? I am training for my First 5K at the end of the month. Normally I do the 5K on the treadmill at the gym and I completed it at 42 minutes. I decided yesterday that I need to start running outside to get used to the differences. So today I downloaded the app and gave it a test shot. I ran the local hich school track in 24:10 minutes?! How can that be? My sister who runs triatholons & marathons can do a 5K in 29 minutes.

So I need peoples opinions of those who use this app!



  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'm interested to know if it's good, though you're not selling it very well. I use MapMyRun. I really like it so far, but either it or my phone's gps have messed up once or twice, giving me crazy readings. If you're on a track, though, I'd just figure out how many times you have to run around it to be 5k. It should be standard. Then, all you need to do is time yourself. No need to gps yourself around a track.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    I'm not familiar with Runtastic, but I've used MapMyRun (not particularly my favorite, but it works well). The two I've been trialing for about a year now and like features of both so I can't decide LOL are CardioTrainer Pro and RunKeeper. I use them on an Android phone, but they are also available for iPhone. They also have nice online components where you can view larger maps of your GPS-tracked workouts. They allow manual entry of indoor workouts as well. They are not limited to only running. They will GPS-track any outdoor activity. I've used RunKeeper to track an entire day's worth of skiing. Pretty cool! You can log pretty much any indoor activity via treadmill, bike, elliptical, and more. They have the ability to receive signals from a HRM although I've never tried it.

    If you think of any other questions, shoot me a PM if I don't get back here to answer you.
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    I'm interested to know if it's good, though you're not selling it very well. I use MapMyRun. I really like it so far, but either it or my phone's gps have messed up once or twice, giving me crazy readings. If you're on a track, though, I'd just figure out how many times you have to run around it to be 5k. It should be standard. Then, all you need to do is time yourself. No need to gps yourself around a track.

    Not trying to sell the app regarding the functions. I am actually looking for opinions of those who use it to see if its accurate. I am going to test it out this weekend to see if I can a similar time.