Hurtful words from family memebers

Sticks and stones will break my bones...but your name calling just motivates me more.. Thanky you! Cheers!


  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Is this like...a request to be called names? :huh:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Good for you. Don't listen to negativity unless you can turn it into motivation, which apparently you can. Get it, girl!
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    I agree!
  • shevanity
    shevanity Posts: 33 Member
    <<Sticks and stones will break my bones...but your name calling just motivates me more.. >>

    Now, that is the right attitude.
  • m_erira
    m_erira Posts: 52 Member
    That's the go girl!!!! you have a whole community supporting you 110%
  • I feel ya family members can be so unsupportive and passive agressive...add me!! im new!!
  • meluc
    meluc Posts: 154 Member
    I wish I had thick skin like you, unfortunately words really do hurt me deep down even though I also put on a brave face... Thanks for showing me that there are two ways to react..I'll work on my reaction now :smile:
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Stay encouraged, sweetheart! You are beautiful and you are strong! You WILL reach your goals. :)
  • I wish I had thick skin like you, unfortunately words really do hurt me deep down even though I also put on a brave face... Thanks for showing me that there are two ways to react..I'll work on my reaction now :smile:

    There are only so many times you can let a persons words sting...and then I think you develop a tolerance for it. I guess my tolerance has been made even stronger becaue of the support and success I see validated on here. I am a good person. I do everything I can right now to be the best version of me. I think that people in my family have clasified me as the smart overweight sensative one...but I'm ready to shead that role (I'll keep the smart part).

    I have NEVER felt better about the level of effort I have put into improving myself. I might not burn 1,000 calories a day at the gym but I think about making good choices everyday..and thats a version of me that I really think exisited. I had dinner with a group of friends tonight who picked a place they knew i could get a healthy lucky am I to have in person friends that care that much. Then I get to come home to you fine people. I'm not just making it up when I say it...thier words really do motivate me more than they could ever imagine.