CW: 160, Goal: 115...

Hi There!
I've been using MFP for a few months on my Android, but just starting to use the online site.

I've always been super active. I've taken up running in the last year, and since I've added strength training, I've really noticed a change in my body. I'm only 5 foot tall, and my legs are really muscular, and my arms are getting's that dreaded middle. BUT it's getting better every day.

I'm 26 years old. I've been married for 7 years to my high school sweetheart. I have an (almost) 3 year old daughter. I own my own dance studio and I teach drama and theatre. There is never a dull moment.
I love to cook. I love to eat. I'm learning that food is about quality, not quantity.

I'm trying not to be over-zealous in my goals. I'm trying to stay realistic. I don't want turn over so hard in a way that I can't maintain, so I'm making small, realistic shifts that I'm comfortable with. So I'm okay if my transition is slow(er).

I look at my weight-loss by mini-landmark/holiday goals. I want to celebrate:
Halloween at 147#
Thanksgiving at 139#
Christmas at 130#
My husband's birthday, February 19, 2012, at my goal weight, 115#.

Let's go.


  • hikerchick9
    good for you, sounds like a good plan. We are the same height and I started out at 167 lb on 7/28/11. My CW is 152 today. Hope we can make it. Add me as a friend and will motivate each other