As I've matured, I have observed...



  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I have not matured.

    (Sorry, I had to. As *I* have matured, i have noticed that there is a smart *kitten* in every bunch. And it's usually me. :D )
  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 226 Member
    As I've matured, I have observed...

    men get better with age! Younger men are great fun, so much energy but a man who is in his late 30s and above, really know how to treat a woman. My experience is that men in their late 30s and above are able to communicate, have goals, are more financially secure, open doors, respectful and are just plan awesome!!!!:wink:

  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    As I've matured I have learned to just like what I like and not be embarrassed.
    Yes, I listen to Ke$ha and Britney and I like them. I also listen to Christian music, to Bowie, to Queen, Lady Gaga, Oasis, Eminem, etc. If I like something I'll listen to it whether people think it's dumb or not. I don't like Pink Floyd and that's fine, and I don't care how uncultured it sounds to say that instrumental music bores me and I don't like it.
    I'm aware that some books I read and enjoy aren't great literature but they are good entertainment. I read books like True Blood AND books by ****ens. I can't get past the old english in Shakespeare, though, which according to some makes me a bad book reader. Whatever.

    And all of that is FINE. I am allowed to like or dislike what I want, and so is everyone else.

    I agree. I'm a live and let live person. I don't care about critics, popular opinion, etc. when it comes to things that I like and if someone likes something that I think sucks, I follow the "if you don't have something nice to say" rule unless asked. OTOH, I have a friend who has to tear down anything that he dislikes and feels that anything without his seal of approval shouldn't exist. It's maddening.

    And I enjoy the"Twlight" and "Harry Potter" books as well as works by D i c k ens, Austen. Thackeray, and Dumas. I like pop, jazz, country, hard rock, soft rock, oldies and R&B. I watch reality TV as well as historical documentaries. It doesn't have to be either/or. The brain *can* handle such differences.