How many calories should I aim for?

I'm really new at dieting. Not that I didn't need it before, but when I was younger I could keep my weight regulated by exercise. Two babies later and at age 41, changes in my diet are a must. I don't believe in depriving myself completely or eating only salads, so I think calorie counting might be the way to go. So this leads me on my questions.
How many calories am I supposed to be eating in a day? If I exercise MFP gives me more calories to work with, am I supposed to eat that much more or stay under the original allotment? I certainly don't want/need to put my body into starvation mode and slow my already seemingly nonexistent metabolism any further.

Any tips, hints, help, or kicks in the *kitten* would me much appreciated!



  • zoodalia
    Hey, it's a hard one to answer without knowing what you weigh, your height, etc... but see what MFP estimates your daily intake of calories should be and work with that to start with. I've found it's really trial and error. I have a calories allowance of 1200 and usually burn between 200-1000 a day in exercise but if I ate back all my exercise calories on the higher burning days as some people do, I know I wouldn't lose weight (I'm only overweight by a few pounds so it's harder to get it off).

    Calorie counting is brilliant and simple so it's a great routine to get into, I'm sure you'll do well:)
  • clo4
    clo4 Posts: 10
    Im about 175 and 5'6". Where would I look to see what MFP suggests? Thanks for the vote of confidence! :)
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    It should tell you when you register...but I would aim for around 1300-1500...if you haven't really been watching what you eat, then this is more than likely less than what you are normally eating and should give you a loss. Once you start losing and if you hit a plateau then you will have some room to lower your daily calories to get past it (don't go lower than 1200) I sometimes eat back my exercise calories it just really depends on the day and my daily goal is 1300 :) you can add me as a friend if you want, I feel that the support makes the biggest difference!