Sports injury lead to hospitalization. What 2 do when down?

I have been walking/jogging 25-34 miles a week. I had pulled a tendon on my ankle and my Dr. put me on naproxen to help with swelling. A month after I started the Rx the medicine caused a peptic ulcer which in turn caused gastrointestinal bleeding. I in the ICU for two days. I got out two days ago. My Dr said the recovery time would be 6-8 weeks (I assume because of blood loss).

Anyhow, I was wondering what you all did while you were down and how you eased back in. I is so hard when you have been doing so well for so long (I started exercising June 7th).

Thank you so much. ~ :heart: Amy


  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I suffer from tendonitis in my to ease back, I did the elliptical and some of the big ball exercises - like sit ups, etc. You can also do planks not putting weight on that ankle. Before you know it, you'll be back to being fully recovered...6-8 weeks will fly by - you can do it!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'm treating a bruised meniscus - is elliptical easy on your knees? it's only been like 3 days & already stalled my weight loss - I need some cardio I can do
    (was doing the shred when I hurt it)
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 577 Member
    Pilates is good, you are laying on the floor. It is good for building muscle and toning. Some water exercise class would be good for cardio. Easy on joints but still challenging.
    A friend of mine has to take it easy on her knees for a bit. Her doc told her she could ride a bike, but not do hills, so I would think riding, or stationary bike would by ok.
    Mostly if it hurts even the littlest bit, don't do it. Definitely ease back into it slowly. Give yourself time to heal so it won't be a bigger problem later.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Sorry to hear that. I had foot/ankle surgery in June. I have just started back on the elliptical - working up by 1 minute every day. I am doing PT twice a week. I also have pilates tapes I could do and I could be lifting weights but I haven't done that yet. I was exercising so well (but in pain) when I chose to have this surgery. It will just take time. Good luck!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I have been walking/jogging 25-34 miles a week. I had pulled a tendon on my ankle and my Dr. put me on naproxen to help with swelling. A month after I started the Rx the medicine caused a peptic ulcer which in turn caused gastrointestinal bleeding. I in the ICU for two days. I got out two days ago. My Dr said the recovery time would be 6-8 weeks (I assume because of blood loss).

    Anyhow, I was wondering what you all did while you were down and how you eased back in. I is so hard when you have been doing so well for so long (I started exercising June 7th).

    Thank you so much. ~ :heart: Amy
    You need to ask your doctor exactly which part of you needs the 6 weeks for it the tendon or your over-all body with regenerating blood or healing the ulcer. Please don't try anything until you are clear in what he wants you wait to do and ask HIM what you can do. Your situation was very serious and unless someone here is a doctor (yours in particular) we arn't qualified to tell you what you can do.
    Take care and speedy healing