walking in public...



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    when i'm biking, i hate when people are walking on my bike path. yeah, the bike path. it's mine. but only with walkers. runners are ok. but walkers, especially in a group, kill me when i'm on my bike.

    can't you just use the side walk if you are just going for a leisurely walk??

    The paths are built for everyone--and they are paid for by everyone's taxes. They are for general recreation--not your private use. Most recreational bike paths are ill-suited for serious training. That being said, anyone who uses a multi-use recreational path should respect the needs of the other users. That means that walkers and runners need to be aware of the traffic around them, not block the entire path while they saunter along conversing, be aware of kids and dogs, etc.

    exactly. around here, our paths have signs posted that read, " Please share the roadway. Cyclers ride right, pedestrians walk/run left."
  • This reminds me of a scene in the movie "Long Kiss Goodnight" when the character played by Samuel L. Jackson almost drives off the road cat calling a woman who is jogging on the side of the road. Geena Davis' character is sitting next to him in the car and says something like "what exactly do you get out of doing that" - he says "doing what?" and she says something like "you know.....ooooo hoooo whislte whistle whistle oooo hoooo!!" Very funny scene.
  • Because she said she is walking.. You assumed it was a leisurely walk.. i walk everyday and it's not for leisure it's a work out..I power walk.. I agree with the others. The path is for everyone..
  • Because she said she is walking.. You assumed it was a leisurely walk.. i walk everyday and it's not for leisure it's a work out..I power walk.. I agree with the others. The path is for everyone..
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you guys are so not from new york city. when i'm not my bike, the bike path is only for biking. when i'm running, the bike path is for both. when i drive i hate pedestrians, and when i'm a pedestrian, i hate motorists. fuggedaboutit.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I have almost the exact same problem when I'm out running. I always have women trying to chase me down to feel my butt. I know I have a nice one, but come on ladies... I'm just trying to get a workout in. I guess all in all I can't say I blame them, they are only human after all...
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Sounds like you have a path that is near places frequented by immature teens with cars. I think the iPod/earbud idea was a good one.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    when i'm biking, i hate when people are walking on my bike path. yeah, the bike path. it's mine. but only with walkers. runners are ok. but walkers, especially in a group, kill me when i'm on my bike.

    can't you just use the side walk if you are just going for a leisurely walk??

    Well since it's your bike path and you built and paid for it, maybe you should pay to have a fence built around it with a gate to keep those pesky walkers out of there.

    My wife has had people yell out the window when she runs, she just ignores them and keeps on running, some people are just idiots.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    when i'm biking, i hate when people are walking on my bike path. yeah, the bike path. it's mine. but only with walkers. runners are ok. but walkers, especially in a group, kill me when i'm on my bike.

    can't you just use the side walk if you are just going for a leisurely walk??

    Well since it's your bike path and you built and paid for it, maybe you should pay to have a fence built around it with a gate to keep those pesky walkers out of there.

    My wife has had people yell out the window when she runs, she just ignores them and keeps on running, some people are just idiots.

    dude... come on. i know it's not mine. but i'm allowed to be frustrated when i come across ppl just doing whatever they want on a bike path.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    when i'm biking, i hate when people are walking on my bike path. yeah, the bike path. it's mine. but only with walkers. runners are ok. but walkers, especially in a group, kill me when i'm on my bike.

    can't you just use the side walk if you are just going for a leisurely walk??

    Well since it's your bike path and you built and paid for it, maybe you should pay to have a fence built around it with a gate to keep those pesky walkers out of there.

    My wife has had people yell out the window when she runs, she just ignores them and keeps on running, some people are just idiots.

    dude... come on. i know it's not mine. but i'm allowed to be frustrated when i come across ppl just doing whatever they want on a bike path.

    True, I just don't see the problem, announce you are passing, pass, and move on, unless your bike paths are as busy as your city streets, in which case your screwed. I do like your Louis CK quote, he is hilarious.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    when i'm biking, i hate when people are walking on my bike path. yeah, the bike path. it's mine. but only with walkers. runners are ok. but walkers, especially in a group, kill me when i'm on my bike.

    can't you just use the side walk if you are just going for a leisurely walk??

    Well since it's your bike path and you built and paid for it, maybe you should pay to have a fence built around it with a gate to keep those pesky walkers out of there.

    My wife has had people yell out the window when she runs, she just ignores them and keeps on running, some people are just idiots.

    dude... come on. i know it's not mine. but i'm allowed to be frustrated when i come across ppl just doing whatever they want on a bike path.

    True, I just don't see the problem, announce you are passing, pass, and move on, unless your bike paths are as busy as your city streets, in which case your screwed. I do like your Louis CK quote, he is hilarious.

    trust me, i do yell out things like "on your left" when i pass. and i never bike or run outside with music on, because of safety concerns. and ppl in new york city, both drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and runners are all oblivious to anything but themselves. i actually had a runner tell me they don't worry about getting hit on the road because "they should be looking out for me. it's their fault if they hit me, and if they do, i'll sue." no amount of sueing will bring someone back from the dead.
  • stephrivas84
    stephrivas84 Posts: 40 Member
    We never have any problems with those who ride their bikes on the path. We pay attention and move closer to the side. The people we see on bikes are the nicest people. We smile, wave, say hello, ect. Its only those who are in their cars. There aren't many sidewalks near where I live and I feel like Im more in the way walking in the road.