How important is water?

I know we all need water to live, but I'm wondering about the amount we should drink. It's recommended to have 8 glasses a day. I have 5-6 mugs of green tea each day and I count them as my water ration. All said and done it's just hot water and a tea bag.

I want to ask, does cups of coffee and other drinks count? In other words, is it the amount we drink that counts irrespective of type, or does it have to be water?


  • Something I have learned from here is water flushes out sodium. I was advised to make it pure water with no fruit juices etc.
    I have heard that green tea is very good for you and for your thyroid so maybe add water and keep on drinking your tea.
  • knjantz
    knjantz Posts: 40 Member
    I know we all need water to live, but I'm wondering about the amount we should drink. It's recommended to have 8 glasses a day. I have 5-6 mugs of green tea each day and I count them as my water ration. All said and done it's just hot water and a tea bag.

    I want to ask, does cups of coffee and other drinks count? In other words, is it the amount we drink that counts irrespective of type, or does it have to be water?

    water is key to weight loss. my nutritionist told me that and now i believe her. it flushes out all the bad toxins in your body, speeds up your metabolism, and makes you feel full so you eat less. besides the obvious of keeping you hydrated. I don't like the taste of water, strange i know, but I found sugar free water mix ins (crystal light, Hawaiian punch, etc) make me WANT to drink it. You drinking a lot of tea works. My nutritionist actually told me i could drink tea if i would rather, i hate tea so i did not use that as an option.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I read somewhere last night that we ought to drink our weight divided in half for ounces per day. I don't know if this is true or not but it kind of makes sense to me - if you are thirsty, then your body needs hydration. I don't know about you but I get thirsty past drinking 64oz of water a day.

    Having come off a bout of heat exhaustion Tuesday, I know firsthand water is extremely important and beverages like diet soda just don't cut it. There is nothing like feeling like you are dying from the effects of being dehydrated to get the point across!!

    From what I understand, coffee shouldn't be counted as water (even though it is hot water and a spoonful of instant coffee grounds in my case) because of the caffiene in it. Green tea doesn't have as much caffiene and every single diet I have ever seen lets green tea drinkers count it as water. Maybe because of the other benefits?

    I don't like the taste of water either. We double filter our tap water at home and now it isn't bad at all as long as it is ice cold. Some brands of bottled water taste good too like Smart Water and Fiji. Clean and crisp. Evian tastes like soap, Arrowhead has a funky aftertaste, and Dasani has a weird taste apparent after it warms up. It could be from chemicals from the plastic bottle though.