New to myfitnesspal

I seen the wall and noticed I need to introduce myself.. my name is Heather and I joined to be support for my friend who has been using this program but got away.. I've lost 90 pounds so far and looking at losing more.. I'm seeking exercises that I can do assist in losing my extra skin as I'm not crazy about having it surgical removed... I'm new in my area and job.. I have 2 small dogs that move where I move and currently going through a divorce... today is a great day to be outside as the sun is kicking and how I miss my friends in Key West, FL... it seems this plan will work in completing my goal as its easy to use.. I've found the site online and it has more to offer than on my iPhone so will do it more often.. its a bummer that sex is not an exercise as this burns calories too.. well not sure what exactly what I'm supposed to say.. so I'll end here..


  • edinbors
    Check out Jillian Michaels "No more Trouble Zones" & "Shred it with weights". Congrats on your weightloss that is amazing!!! Good lucj and welcome!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Great to meet you!!

    By the way, sex is an exercise! :) You may just have to manually enter in your calorie burn though.
  • TrishaRN_74
    TrishaRN_74 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome! I just recently joined too...used the phone app and just got on the computer to check this out. Congrats on your current weight loss! I have about 50 pounds to lose, and I'm hoping keeping up on here will keep me motivated!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Great to meet you!! By the way, sex is an exercise! :) You may just have to manually enter in your calorie burn though.

    Is that a HRM you are wearing or are you just happy to see me :)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Great to meet you!! By the way, sex is an exercise! :) You may just have to manually enter in your calorie burn though.

    Is that a HRM you are wearing or are you just happy to see me :)

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    Thanks, I really needed a good laugh today.
  • Prettypiglett
    Prettypiglett Posts: 72 Member
    Hi I am a newbie to this, so any helpful advice happily accepted :)
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Glad to help Mindy :)