America will never get back to clean eating..........



  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    Those chicken breasts don't just get huge on their own, and real chickens don't grow full size in 6 weeks like a chicken full of hormones would.

    I wish you and others would do some research before making random statements like this one. The fact is that the FDA doesn't allow the use of hormones in any kind of fowl. Which is why you'll never see "hormone free" on any chicken, turkey,duck or egg packaging...period!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Really interesting and objective article. Thanks for posting the link :flowerforyou:
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    This sounds like the stupidest business decision in the history of man. Would you pay $100 for a cow, or $500 for a lottery ticket with a 1 in 5 shot at winning a cow? While I don't know for certain, my guess would be that there's no regulation against it because it's not being done and no one plans on doing anytime soon.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    You know the irony in all this is that the folks who really buy into organic foods are the ones that are against this. This type of genetic manipulation is the only way your going to see a decrease in the use of growth hormones and such things. If you can breed the super species that performs as well as those "hopped up" animals is there no room in your mind to consider that may actually be far more healthy? What we all must face is the fact that this planet is severely over populated so if we want to continue to have food for all, maximizing our abilities to harvest foods is going to be important.

    I personally fail to see how a cow whose genes we're spliced in a lab is any different than a cow who was intentionally bread to maximize specific genes. I'd rather have a genetically engineered cow producing my milk than one that's loaded with all sorts of growth hormones.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    You folks are confusing GMO and cloning.

    GMO is an organism that has had genetic splices from different organisms inserted into its genetic code to give it specific characteristics. Argue how you want about the merits of GMO, that's not my point in this post.

    Cloned organisms are absolutely identical to their donor organism. Chemically, biologically, genetically identical. They ARE natural organisms for all intents and purposes and even their creators can't tell them from the originals using any test except their age.

    Also, cloning is a very, very inefficient way to get an animal compared to just simply breeding the thing, so I seriously doubt they will ever become economically feasible as a food item for most people.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think there is a fine line between ethics, sustainability and consumption.

    The truth of the matter is that the large supermarket chains (yes, even the so-called fairtrade ones) engage with farmers in a very unethical way to ensure large scale provision of "perfect" produce for as little money as possible. The waste that is generated is criminal.

    But the consumer doesn't want to pay a premium to eat well. They have got used to cheap food and the supermarkets exploit such consumerism. If food bills continue to rise above the rate of inflation, and GM produce is seen as a much cheaper alternative, then as sure as eggs are eggs, the public WILL vote with their wallet.

    There is no evidence that GM crops are any less wholesome than traditional crops. There is a moral issue insofar as some GM seeds will grow single yield crops, thus the farmers have to continue to buy new each season. That is the commercial aspect of GM. The business behind the science is not developing the technology altruistically.

    On the other side of the coin... the worlds' population is increasing dramatically and we cannot sustain that growth with current methods of farming. If growing GM wheat and cloning chickens helps lift a nation out of stravation and poverty, would that be so wrong?

    Of course we know that will only happen if someone makes a profit... and it sure as heck ain't gonna be the farmers!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Those chicken breasts don't just get huge on their own, and real chickens don't grow full size in 6 weeks like a chicken full of hormones would.

    I wish you and others would do some research before making random statements like this one. The fact is that the FDA doesn't allow the use of hormones in any kind of fowl. Which is why you'll never see "hormone free" on any chicken, turkey,duck or egg packaging...period!

    Actually, that's not true. I have seen packages of chicken and turkey labeled "hormone-free". I noticed this because I know hormones aren't allowed in poultry. They can advertise it's hormone free as long as they also label it somewhere in fine print that hormones aren't allowed in poultry. Marketing gimmick. I've seen it on pork too.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    Those chicken breasts don't just get huge on their own, and real chickens don't grow full size in 6 weeks like a chicken full of hormones would.

    I wish you and others would do some research before making random statements like this one. The fact is that the FDA doesn't allow the use of hormones in any kind of fowl. Which is why you'll never see "hormone free" on any chicken, turkey,duck or egg packaging...period!

    Actually, that's not true. I have seen packages of chicken and turkey labeled "hormone-free". I noticed this because I know

    hormones aren't allowed in poultry. They can advertise it's hormone free as long as they also label it somewhere in fine print that

    hormones aren't allowed in poultry. Marketing gimmick. I've seen it on pork too.

    You are correct that marketing crap is allowed but in reality it shouldn't be because of uneducated people assume that hormones are allowed in poultry and pork. My point was that there are many who are ignorant of the facts and make random statements that have no basis...holds true for hormones and many other aspects of diet and nutrition...

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Those chicken breasts don't just get huge on their own, and real chickens don't grow full size in 6 weeks like a chicken full of hormones would.

    I wish you and others would do some research before making random statements like this one. The fact is that the FDA doesn't allow the use of hormones in any kind of fowl. Which is why you'll never see "hormone free" on any chicken, turkey,duck or egg packaging...period!

    Actually, that's not true. I have seen packages of chicken and turkey labeled "hormone-free". I noticed this because I know

    hormones aren't allowed in poultry. They can advertise it's hormone free as long as they also label it somewhere in fine print that

    hormones aren't allowed in poultry. Marketing gimmick. I've seen it on pork too.

    You are correct that marketing crap is allowed but in reality it shouldn't be because of uneducated people assume that hormones are allowed in poultry and pork. My point was that there are many who are ignorant of the facts and make random statements that have no basis...holds true for hormones and many other aspects of diet and nutrition...

    Sorry. I agree with your point, I just wanted to point out that you will find "hormone-free" chicken.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    ugh if we're being fed cloned things it should at least be labeled....I don't eat meat, but the FDA doesn't require labeling cloned or genetically modified veggies either

    Im gonna let you in on a secret, if you eat broccoli, any kind, you are eating a genetically modified food. Broccoli is an evolved food, created by very specific genetic selection. It was done about 2,000 years ago, but broccoli, in the sense that most people use it, is not a 'natural' food.

    Nor people who own dogs, sorry to say, but your dog more than likely is a descendent of a breed that was genertically engineered as well.

    Just because it was someone doing it outside by selecting the variables, as opposed to someone doing it in a labratory, does not make it inherently evil

    Really? Your first post was intelligent and well thought out, then you post this BS? There is a big difference between “genetically engineered” and selective breeding. I’m sure you know this, please try not to bend the truth to make your case, it will make your argument much more sound.