Need Help!

I started using MFP over a year ago and lost 30lbs. But still am not at my goal. Yes! I stopped logging for quite a while. Life as usual takes over. But I have been logging for the last two weeks with no, and I mean no success. I religiously workout. That is how I have kept the weight off. A few months ago I started weight training. And last week I switched my cardio to Les Mills RPM, it's a high intensity cycling class. But again I'm at a stand still. Need Help! Just looking for support, words of encouragment, and any advice that you can offer.

On a personal note............ I am a wife, mother of two 8 and 2, Izabella and Joel Jaxs. I am a critical care nurse, and a fulltime student at drexel for my masters. Would love to make some new support buddies on this last stretch.


  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    All I can tell you is its taken me MONTHS to see results! I started with going cold turkey on soft drinks and exercise, then changed my diet, then changed my exercise routine, then changed what I ate yet again, and have changed my exercise routine. The last 2 finally started working. Its still slow and kind of stop an go ~ one day I've lost 2lbs the next several days nothing, then I've lost inches. I'm just happy to see progress :)

    I've seen others advise to up calories, to help break a plaetu (pardon my spelling lol) or to change up your exercise.

    I know from personal exp yrs ago that if you eat the same thing at the same time and do the same exercise every day eventually your body will adjust and you wont lose weight. Our bodies make a choice as to what weight/size we should be and work really hard to keep us there. Seriously annoying if you ask me LOL but so far my bodies not asked what I think about the whole weight/size issue :)

    Hope all that helps :)
  • lizaconde