Hi, I'm a new member!

angelbells86 Posts: 33
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself

I just discovered this website today and am so excited to start losing weight. I've always had a problem with my weight. I've dieted before and lost a ton of weight but due to health problems I gained it all back plus some. Now I'm ready to get back on track. I want to be able to look in a mirror and be proud of what I see. I think this website is just what I need to help me do that. Wish me luck!



  • Hi!

    I just discovered this website today and am so excited to start losing weight. I've always had a problem with my weight. I've dieted before and lost a ton of weight but due to health problems I gained it all back plus some. Now I'm ready to get back on track. I want to be able to look in a mirror and be proud of what I see. I think this website is just what I need to help me do that. Wish me luck!

  • mrsjo79
    mrsjo79 Posts: 123
    Welcome aboard and good luck:bigsmile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you:flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: welcome and good luck, this website rocks and will help you greatly, logging food is the best way to stay on track...
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome :smile:
    Good luck! I just joined last week myself, but already love it!
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome!

  • cindie
    cindie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i just joined a few days ago and so far i like it. I am from Michigan. I am a sahm of 5. I just want to get good ideas i can incorperate in everyday meals for all of us. I am still trying to figure out this website but so far so good.
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Welcome!!! Trust...you will like it here!! There are so many motivational people here....you will LOVE IT!!
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