Good Morning/Afternoon/ Evening Ladies/Gentlemen.

My name is Carmen Hayes and I am 23. Kinda new to this site and wanted to say hi. Let me get down a little about myself. I use to weight 150lbs through out school until I got a job at Burger king. After 3 years I went from 150lbs to 240lbs. Digusted with myself I joined a gym and went down to 200lbs. Deciding I didnt want to work at burger king anymore I enlisted into the Marine Corps and before I left I went from 207lbs down to 194. During my time at bootcamp in 5 weeks I went from 194lbs down to 178lbs and Feeling great until I got the news my mom had two strokes. Deciding to give up my life dream of being a Marine I came home to take care of my mom while my Dad worked so he could pay the bills. After a while of just staying home I gained back my weight and went back to 200lbs. Then my dad got injured and cant work for the rest of the year I had to take care of him while my mom got a lot better. I then went back to 230lbs and now I work at burger king but this time I'm being smart about eating. Now I am running, exercising the way I did in bootcamp but with the time of working and taking care of my dad I cant do it as much as I did in bootcamp. But slowly every day I am getting better, stronger and faster.


  • sandhillcrane
    Welcome! I am somewhat new here...2 weeks. I have lost 8 pounds.The support is great! I think you already know what to do, you just need to stay on track! If I can help, let me know. I think keeping track of food and exercise makes us accountable to each other (and ourselves) and leads to results!
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    welcome carmen...I'm sorry about your mom and dad....I hope you find a new dream...
  • javalyd
    javalyd Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome Carmen I am sorry to hear about your parents. Your are very strong, and can do this. Life has its ups and downs. You will see the support that you get on MFP is outstanding!!!! I am in the reserves (USAF) , have you thought maybe the reserves??? I need to pass my PT in October if not I get the boot, so that's where I am at...I have 14 years in and don't want to lose what I have feel free to add me as U fren On MFP, as well as others who read this......