new way of dating and my new way of life



  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    guess i have to grow up mentally, just sux that i tend to like the "in guys". no doubt i have amazing confidence but the lonliness gets the best of me and next thing i know im with one of the worst men on earth. am i shallow myself for being attracted to what i like in a man? am i settling for a man that i really dont want and offers not much? lol omg this is supposed to be about diet and weight loss.... but really, i get turned down a lot because of my appearance..... and so i figure being a chunky momma is a part of the reason
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    The internet had scumbags and losers galore. I lost the wieght and not much had changed. I met cheaters, liars, manipulators, potential abusers, and other various cretins that disguise themselves as humans. I believe the success stories are all hoaxes.
    Not all of them are hoaxes. I met my husband through an online dating site, we've been together 6 years now, married 2 years tomorrow. It's just easier for people to be a**holes online, it's more anonymous.

    Itlane, I don't think you're shallow in wanting what you find attractive in a man. We can't help what we do and don't find attractive. And it may not be that guys don't find you attractive,it could be that they know or think that their friends wouldn't find you attractive and are so insecure that they need their friends approval on everything. (and yeah, girls do it too!) So while yeah, it could be your weight that causes them to say no it may well not be your weight that's the real issue. If you know what I mean.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    yep people want acceptance and if their friends dont like what they have they get something everyone approves of. i always have friends telling me i can do better than this or that but i tend to ignore it all. i just have more mental power then some :laugh: