To those NOT using a HRM..

EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi MFP! To anyone who isn't using a HRM or hasn't purchased one yet and goes by the machine's calories burned when going to the gym... (treadmill, elliptical, etc.. whatever) have you had success towards weight loss even with using the machines calories burned? I know they say a HRM is more accurate.. but I was just wondering! Thanks


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't eat back my calories (unintentionally happens sometimes though) and I've lost 44 pounds so yeah if you don't eat them back I wouldn't even worry about what the machine says, just get your workout in!
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    There are many people on here who don't have HRM's and have found success. Heck, I only use the calories for exercise listed here on MFP. So far, so good.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I don't own one or have the extra dough for one right now. However, I have had 2 different personal trainers in the past teach me how to work out by using my self exertion level. They worked me out and right at the end made me give a score btwn 1-10. I so happened to give a 7. So I was told a good number and I associate that feeling with that number and I am to aspire to that '7' or more every time I work out. It has helped me tremendously know if I am just 'getting by'' or trying to 'knock it out!' at each workout.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't have an HRM, I use the cals calculated by MFP or Runkeeper, and I eat those calories back.
    I've lost over 21kg (46 pounds) so it's working for me. I think an HRM would be fun to have but they aren't essential.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I just have to say something about HRM. I just started using it for my last couple of work outs, just bought it. And what I have found is that I've been cheating myself out of calories burned. The elliptical would say I burned 700 cals from 65 minutes of walking 3.5mph uphill 10 incline as well as running at 5.5mph off/on, when I wore my HRM, which is the most accurate read per your heart rate and other factors like age and weight...I actually burned1500, double. Same with spin class today I usally burn like 1200 according to the web, but my HRM said 1800 calories burned...Let me just say I love HRM and it also tells you what zones you are working in...if you are overdoing it or need to pick up your pace for a better work out. Love Love Love it! Its changed my workout completely. I'm all in and feel as though I have finally found my inner-athlete.
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    I notice that the number of calories that my elliptical says I've burned is still lower than the calories MFP says I burned doing the same amount of time. I just go by what the elliptical says, and it seems to be alright, although I'm sure a HRM would be far more accurate... I just figured it's close enough, and I'd rather be guessing under than over!
  • Kywesley
    Kywesley Posts: 7 Member
    Like other posters have said, I also have had success just going off of what the machines have calculated, what Runkeeper calculates, or what is in the exercise database here. I also normally eat back my exercise calories as well. I would eventually like to use a HRM, but don't find it essential just yet.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well, I've lost 60lbs and am maintaining that loss.

    I've NEVER, EVER used a heart rate monitor. I use the numbers from the machines at the gym AND I eat my exercise calories.

    For me, a HRM just isn't in the cards financially and since I've been successful without one - I don't think it is an absolute necessity.
  • Have not used a HRM once since the start of my weight loss. Honestly, haven't even considered one until I read this thread...

    Even though I keep a very close eye on the calories, my ultimate goal is to get my heart rate up for at least 25+ minutes (think 80%+ MHR) on top of lower intensity cardio.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    I just have to say something about HRM. I just started using it for my last couple of work outs, just bought it. And what I have found is that I've been cheating myself out of calories burned. The elliptical would say I burned 700 cals from 65 minutes of walking 3.5mph uphill 10 incline as well as running at 5.5mph off/on, when I wore my HRM, which is the most accurate read per your heart rate and other factors like age and weight...I actually burned1500, double. Same with spin class today I usally burn like 1200 according to the web, but my HRM said 1800 calories burned...Let me just say I love HRM and it also tells you what zones you are working in...if you are overdoing it or need to pick up your pace for a better work out. Love Love Love it! Its changed my workout completely. I'm all in and feel as though I have finally found my inner-athlete.

    I had the same problem, before buying one I was grossly underestimating my caloric burn per day from anywhere between 200-700 calories.... and I was wondering why I felt like I was starving all the time!!!

    I would only use the numbers from the gym as a general guide, I know that for one the elliptical and the bike usually underestimate the amount of calories burnt but treadmills are *usually* (not always) more accurate. I think the best way to estimate is by using the exercise calculators on MFP.
  • I lost 40 pounds without the use of a heart rate monitor. It can be done. I just got one and I love it because it pushes me to stay on track.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I haven't got one, but am considering one.
    I log my calories but halve them, if I want to eat them I eat half, If I don't feel like eating them I don't.. often I have maybe 700 calories and no way could I eat them all without feeling ill at the thought of too much food. I will allow myself something higher in calories on days like this though.

    I'm not in a rush to lose weight mind you, I'm just steadily doing it this year and it's worked for me. I've had 2 months where I didn't lose so don't think I've done too bad overall. :)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I eat back all but 200 of my exercise calories, which I calculate on here. The 200 gives me wriggle room if I miscalculate something. It's working just fine so far :)
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I don't have an HRM. I browse around the internet for figures on calories burned for an activity, find the lowest estimate and knock a bit off to be safe.

    I'm not sure I'd trust an HRM any more than I would a machine that calculates you height and weight though. And if the difference was double like someone said their experience had been ... well, I'd be very confused and would go with the lower number.

    I had a very cheap HRM watch that I bought on ebay for £7.99. It told me I burned 77 calories in an hour of Body Step! That taught me a lesson about buying the cheap ones and the expensive ones are SO expensive - I figure that if I'm burning the calories anyway it doesn't really matter how many I'm burning exactly. Especially as I choose not to eat them back.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I just have to say something about HRM. I just started using it for my last couple of work outs, just bought it. And what I have found is that I've been cheating myself out of calories burned. The elliptical would say I burned 700 cals from 65 minutes of walking 3.5mph uphill 10 incline as well as running at 5.5mph off/on, when I wore my HRM, which is the most accurate read per your heart rate and other factors like age and weight...I actually burned1500, double. Same with spin class today I usally burn like 1200 according to the web, but my HRM said 1800 calories burned...Let me just say I love HRM and it also tells you what zones you are working in...if you are overdoing it or need to pick up your pace for a better work out. Love Love Love it! Its changed my workout completely. I'm all in and feel as though I have finally found my inner-athlete.

    you burned 1800 cals during spin class? dang, I thought I was only burning around 500 or so and I push myself HARD for that hour. I think it's time to invest in an HRM!
  • I keep considering buying an HRM - haven't yet. I keep reading/good bad about them - so I'm on the fence a little... It's taken me a few months to lose 15 pounds - and I've only relied on the MFP calorie counts. Overall, I think I'm doing good if I'm up and MOVING - whether it's walking, exercising, or even cleaning the house. Any activity beats being a couch potato, right?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Here is another take on the issue of exercise calories in general:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I just have to say something about HRM. I just started using it for my last couple of work outs, just bought it. And what I have found is that I've been cheating myself out of calories burned. The elliptical would say I burned 700 cals from 65 minutes of walking 3.5mph uphill 10 incline as well as running at 5.5mph off/on, when I wore my HRM, which is the most accurate read per your heart rate and other factors like age and weight...I actually burned1500, double. Same with spin class today I usally burn like 1200 according to the web, but my HRM said 1800 calories burned...Let me just say I love HRM and it also tells you what zones you are working in...if you are overdoing it or need to pick up your pace for a better work out. Love Love Love it! Its changed my workout completely. I'm all in and feel as though I have finally found my inner-athlete.

    you burned 1800 cals during spin class? dang, I thought I was only burning around 500 or so and I push myself HARD for that hour. I think it's time to invest in an HRM!

    Don't do it because ot that post. Unless that person is in a 3-4 hour spin class, 1800 calories is a gross overestimation. At your weight, even 500 calories sounds a little high, unless it's a 60 min class and you are in really good shape.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont use one and it has not hindered my weight loss at all
  • I just have to say something about HRM. I just started using it for my last couple of work outs, just bought it. And what I have found is that I've been cheating myself out of calories burned. The elliptical would say I burned 700 cals from 65 minutes of walking 3.5mph uphill 10 incline as well as running at 5.5mph off/on, when I wore my HRM, which is the most accurate read per your heart rate and other factors like age and weight...I actually burned1500, double. Same with spin class today I usally burn like 1200 according to the web, but my HRM said 1800 calories burned...Let me just say I love HRM and it also tells you what zones you are working in...if you are overdoing it or need to pick up your pace for a better work out. Love Love Love it! Its changed my workout completely. I'm all in and feel as though I have finally found my inner-athlete.

    you burned 1800 cals during spin class? dang, I thought I was only burning around 500 or so and I push myself HARD for that hour. I think it's time to invest in an HRM!

    Don't do it because ot that post. Unless that person is in a 3-4 hour spin class, 1800 calories is a gross overestimation. At your weight, even 500 calories sounds a little high, unless it's a 60 min class and you are in really good shape.

    I agree. I am 275 pounds. I use a HRM and I only burn about 700-750 calories and I am busting behind.
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