Fitbit vs Bodybugg

Who has one or the other and what are your thoughts?


  • skylinekt
    Interested to hear what people say, I'm looking into a Bodybugg too. A friend has one and an app on her phone, she wears it all day everyday, I'm not 100% ready for that commitment, but would really like one to help me monitor my runs and workouts. Thanks for the post!
  • Coleman73
    I have had the body bugg for 6 months now. I have missed wearing it about 8 days out of the 6 months. it becomes like a wrist watch, you put it on and forget about it. I love to track what calories Im burning it seems to be pretty accurate. the over all is I use MFP for the diet side and the Bodybugg for the burning side. Im currently 100 pounds lighter. Please remember it wasnt the bodybugg that did all the work outs or food monitering.... but it did help to let me know when I was slacking off of my burns.

  • KikuLogan
    KikuLogan Posts: 25 Member
    I have no idea what either of these are but I'm intrigued.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    I have both. I've had a fitbit for a little over a year and the bodybugg for about 3 weeks. I never really paid attention to my fitbit numbers until I got the bodybugg and saw how many more calories it said I burned over the fitbit and my heart rate monitor. I'm also lazy enough when I'm not exercising that any extra calories for activity level would be negligible on the bodybugg.

    The fitbit is more like a glorified pedometer where there's a website that keeps track of your calories. You can also log food/exercises if they were over and beyond what the fitbit can count.

    I want to love and trust the bodybugg but I just can't right now because the week I got it, I lost a full pound with the fitbit numbers when the bodybugg was giving me 200-400 more calories to work with per day.

    I *do* think that may be because I walk outside for exercise and it's been in the triple digits here or it gets hot in my apartment so I'm sweating more than I should be during exercise and I think that affects the bodybugg. I won't know for sure until it gets cooler here tho. :smile:

    I'm not sure I helped. :smile: I've heard lots of good reports from other people about the bodybugg but I think they're more "normal" than me. I also find out this week if I have a thyroid problem which is maybe why the lower calories were working for me and my sense of what I *should* be eating if I were normal is skewed.