Hi! I'm a freshie...

So... I've literally never considered a calorie counting system, or a community surrounding weight loss, before tonight. In fact, I don't think I've ever consciously dieted before, ever. I eat great but don't exercise. That and my genes combined are my downfall, so here I am at 28, approaching 190 lbs... eep! A friend posted on facebook this evening about this website, and I thought I'd check it out. I put in all the super delicious healthy food I ate today and was blown away-- 2200 calories! Woah! So I guess maybe this is a good idea after all...

Good luck to all of you, and remember to stay sane and loving to yourself amidst the drive to be smaller, ok!!

xoxo, see you around...


P.S. Have any of you experienced LOSING weight because of pregnancy? The smallest I've been in the last decade was immediately after having each of my two children... I wish we were having another baby... hah!


  • mcleo47
    I think you will find this a caring and supportive community. Lots of real people getting a handle on what food choices we make each day. A little knowledge coupled with some positive support facilitates change. Stick around, you may find less of yourself here.
    Good luck!
  • mcleo47
    Don't wait to get started.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    Welcome! I am new too and the support and motivation I've found on this website is exactly what I was looking for and I hope it will be super helpful to you too! It crazy how we THINK we are doing so well until we actually sit down and track what we are eating. Calories add up fast, this website really puts things in perspective.Good luck on your journey and enjoy the site : )
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    You will LOVE it here!! I had done Weight Watchers for some time and loved it, but they didn't teach me how to eat, if that makes sense. Here, you know what's healthy and what's not. You look at all aspects of a food. I love it. I have lost weight, and I am still losing weight. I'm nowhere near my goal because I just started up again, but I'm already seeing results and I adore it.

    I haven't run into any negativity here at all, which is so refreshing! The forums are a god send, someone always has a super tasty recipe, or a tip or trick to work out those trouble spots, whatever you need.

    It is SO crazy if you actually log a "normal" day of eating! I had a Starbucks Frappe and slice of lemon pound cake the other day while hubby and I were at Target, thinking not much of it. I came home and logged it and the combination was almost 1000 calories!! I was like HOLY CRAP but it's a learning experience! You'll do great! Remember, you get what you give! The harder you work, the more awesome your results will be :)
  • anjukins
    anjukins Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks! I'm looking forward to this project!! This is only my second day of calorie-counting, but it's so fun!! And easy, too, with this website.