
yeahyeahyeah i dont need anyone getting on my case about plateaus.

basically ive been plateauing for two months. no matter if i zigzag or reduce or up or eat back calories or exercise hardcore.. i just cant get past it. & now lately i find myself giving up a lot. ill overeat. ill have too many cheats. i am just giving up on my self and im scared about gaining it all back.

so for those have or are plateauing.. how are/did you get through it. tips?

im going crazy!


  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    Tried everything, changing up, eating more, eating less, but this week I finally broke through by sticking to good protiens and veggies, and just a little fruit. I found I am full all the time and my cravings are just not there. My stomach has shrunk, probably the fiber in the veggies. It worked for me, but we are all different, good luck.
  • dragonz11
    bump i would like to know aswell ive done it all and its bin 3months off plateau for me
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Bump! I've stalled out for 6 weeks now and feel like I've tried everything. I'm with ya girl and look forward to seeing what others have to say. I fear I've tried it all!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi there i will tell you my story....
    right i am also a hard core exersicer i eat all the right things ect...never cheat!

    last dec i hit the weight of about 230lbs and it would not budge as you i jiggled my exersice around and my diet upped it downed it the lot and by may i gave up! i then gained 20lb!
    i started again after my hols this year( july) i have now got to loosing the 20lb i put on before and now have hit a plataux at the same weight again!
    so i satrted wavering..
    4 weeks later still no loss i decided to try and focus on the fitness(not easy) but i started the p90x :) a week ago i was also told to eat ONLY 800cals a day(no exersice cals) for a couple of weeks only... so i did i had nothing extra no even a crumb!
    so anyways i weighed yesterday and have lost 4.6 lb in less than a week..
    what it was i do not know the p90x or the low cal diet but it worked!

    Also before anyone moans at me i am having 3 solid meals a day and am still full of energy! please do check my diary!

    i know ALOT of people will moan at me for saying this but i'm just telling you my story!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    So I think I finally just broke through a plateau I've been at since the end of June this morning. (My scale was FINALLY down a pound, but I try not to "officially" count it until I see it three days in a row). If I have actually broken through, I did it by one week of scaling back on the exercise (I usually burn a lot because I train as an athlete, but that week I probably was only burning 500-700 four times during the week, rather than my usual 1300-1500 6 days) and eating at maintenance, then a second week of eating at maintenance but returning to normal exercise levels. In both weeks I was eating back exercise calories, but I wasn't worrying too much about macronutrient composition. I do generally eat pretty clean in that I try to get fruits or vegetable to be a good percentage of every meal, and I try to include fiber and protein at every meal as well.

    I totally hear you on how frustratng it is! Don't be too down on yourself. Maybe try to set fitness goals rather than scale goals, so you can be still happy in your progress even if the scale is not cooperating. Good luck! You will break through!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I have been there for 5 weeks now same 2 damn lbs
    up down!
    I upped my calories by 375 per day and cut back my exercise
    and added tons more protien (whey drinks) it has been 6 days
    i will weigh probably Monday.
    I hope this works to be honest it scares me to death to be eating
    so much more and only getting 1/2 the exercise i use to
    will check back and let everyone know
  • dragonz11
    hi there i will tell you my story....
    right i am also a hard core exersicer i eat all the right things ect...never cheat!

    last dec i hit the weight of about 230lbs and it would not budge as you i jiggled my exersice around and my diet upped it downed it the lot and by may i gave up! i then gained 20lb!
    i started again after my hols this year( july) i have now got to loosing the 20lb i put on before and now have hit a plataux at the same weight again!
    so i satrted wavering..
    4 weeks later still no loss i decided to try and focus on the fitness(not easy) but i started the p90x :) a week ago i was also told to eat ONLY 800cals a day(no exersice cals) for a couple of weeks only... so i did i had nothing extra no even a crumb!
    so anyways i weighed yesterday and have lost 4.6 lb in less than a week..
    what it was i do not know the p90x or the low cal diet but it worked!

    Also before anyone moans at me i am having 3 solid meals a day and am still full of energy! please do check my diary!

    i know ALOT of people will moan at me for saying this but i'm just telling you my story!

    mayb i mite give this 800cals a try :0)
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not going to get on your case either. I been plateau since July. Not giving up yet but not happy either. Someone pass me some Oreos!
  • posy43
    posy43 Posts: 15 Member
    I am certainly no expert but like many of you here I was doing great, finally managed to reach the 100lb lost then the plateau hit. As with everyone else I flew into a panic and tried everything, cutting back upping exercise etc etc but to no avail

    My nutritionist then told me to stop messing around with my normal eating and exercise routine and go back to what I had been doing. She gave me a lot of jargon about how the body takes it's time to adjust to the way it is being treated and by changing things it gets confused. blah blah blah!
    Well as I wasn't losing any weight anyway, I did as she told me and in the past 3 weeks have lost another 7lbs. I have no idea if what she told me is correct or if I would have lost the weight anyway, cutting back and upping exercise at least made me feel like I was doing something.

    The main ting when hitting the plateau is DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! if you are doing everything right the weight Will come off eventually, just hang in there
  • wiclassact
    Another thing to remember is to use measurements along with the numbers on your scale. I remember the first plateau I hit... talk about frustrating! Working out religiously, maintaining a strict 1200 calorie per day diet... and the scale just wouldn't budge.

    One day during this H-E double toothpick time, I had bought a pattern for a new top to sew. I decided to take my measurements to make sure it fit right, etc.... and Whoa! I hadn't lost an ounce, but the inches were going down!

    I chalked it up to that old saying, "Muscle weighs more than fat."

    So... just maybe... when we don't see those numbers changing the way we want, our body is still re-distributing things in a positive manner!

    And remember - you're not the only one that deals with the dreaded plateau! Sooner or later we all go through it... unfortunately! You're not doing anything wrong and you're definitely not failing. Your body is just trying to adjust. :)
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    This is the one thing I've read about Plateau's that I found helpful.

    Yes, I know it's on Sparkpeople. But that's ok :smile:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Also, some people start on here with their settings on light exercise or less and therefore, sometimes you calorie goal can end up out for your requirements if you start becoming more active and you could also try seeing what goal you are given if you change how many lbs you want to lose per week and change your exercise goals.

    So have a look at your settings under fitness/calorie goal I think it's called, on your HOME tab on here.
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    I'm not going to get on your case either. I been plateau since July. Not giving up yet but not happy either. Someone pass me some Oreos!

    put the oreos down and back away from the cookies!! I know where you live dont make me go there lol :D
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I feel your pain... I've been on a plateau for about 3 weeks... I'm not giving up... yet... I realized that I'm not eating enough calories... not intentionally, but more 'cause I'm not hungry.... just started making sure I eat my full calorie allotment yesterday... I'll let you know if this works... don't want to start zigzagging... I really don't want to have to think that hard, you know? keep working at it... the weight will come off...