ANXIETY about the weigh-in

Help. I am willing to change my life and start exercizing and watching my portion size but when it comes to getting on the scale,I can't do it. I get so nervous. Even if I lose weight, all I can think about it the 100 or so pounds I need to loose. Intellectually I know I am only hurting myself but I can't seem to get over this. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?

I'm working with my doctor so I get weighed on a monthly basis. 15 min before every appointment I am in the car trying to figure out if there is a way I can get out of the appointement.


  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    I had a lot of anxiety for years too, but unlike you, I didn't go to see the doctor or weigh myself at home. You are already doing the right thing by checking in with your doctor. It will take time, but eventually it will be less traumatic, and you'll focus more on how good you're feeling by eating healthy and exercising. Good luck to you, and I think that some time in the future you'll post a message about how you no longer have this anxiety! :flowerforyou:
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    I have never had this problem...I can't imagine what it would feel like to be anxious to weigh. My thoughts, for what they are worth, keep up with your exercises you do daily through MFP or a paper journal. Use each day and make comments about how you felt with the effort, intensity and the moods that went along with the day. Review that before you go into the doctors office so you have a thought of how your week has gone.
    Good luck on this road.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Not sure if this is an option or would help, but maybe you could ask to be weighed facing away from the scale and for your doctor not to read your weight aloud. Good luck!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Why not measure ? Measuring tapes are dead cheap - they can often show progress quicker, and tbh I don't care for the number on the scale - people always underestimate my weight - to the point if saying " you can 't be" when I tell them my current weight - they never believe I was 21 st 8 at the start!!! However my clothes fitting better, being too big, buying smaller ones are far more important to me!!!!! Give it a try
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Why not measure ? Measuring tapes are dead cheap - they can often show progress quicker, and tbh I don't care for the number on the scale - people always underestimate my weight - to the point if saying " you can 't be" when I tell them my current weight - they never believe I was 21 st 8 at the start!!! However my clothes fitting better, being too big, buying smaller ones are far more important to me!!!!! Give it a try

    Yep I'm a big believer of the measuring tape as well tells you a lot more than scales.
  • CherrySunday
    As you go down, you will start to feel better. You just have to force yourself to do it, and remind yourself that you'll never have to see those numbers again if you stick to the plan that you and your doctor are currently working on. I know what you mean, because I didn't weigh myself for years, but just think -- that's how you got here in the first place, by not facing the numbers. When I went for my first doctor visit, I was sad at my scale number (225)-- I almost wanted to cry! But ever since that first day, I've either gone down or stayed the same. It will get better with time!!
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    Why not measure ? Measuring tapes are dead cheap - they can often show progress quicker, and tbh I don't care for the number on the scale - people always underestimate my weight - to the point if saying " you can 't be" when I tell them my current weight - they never believe I was 21 st 8 at the start!!! However my clothes fitting better, being too big, buying smaller ones are far more important to me!!!!! Give it a try

    Exactly what I was gonna say!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Rather than thinking of all the weight as a whole that you still have to lose, try to cut it down into small goals. Think of it as losing the next 5 pounds. Once you get there, think of the next 5 pounds after that. I used to get so overwhelmed by the entire amount of weight that I had to lose that I would just give up. A year later, nothing had changed and I was the same weight as the year before. That's when I started thinking about it in terms of smaller goals.

    As far as scale anxiety goes - good for you for checking in with your doctor regularly! I would also probably have scale anxiety over that. I weigh myself almost daily, but I "weigh in" once a week on my own. If I know I haven't eaten sensibly, then I usually put off weighing myself. Try to think of all the hard work you've done. If you've been exercising regularly and eating sensibly, then you're doing everything you can!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Keep in mind that your weight is just a measure of how you are doing in your new lifestyle. It does NOT define you. It does not give you value or take away value. It just lets you adjust or keep going. Kind of like a speedometer in your car...if your car is going too fast then you adjust your speed. Same with weight going up...adjust your food, exercise, water or whatever needs adjusting. Do not tie your self esteem to that number. I also agree with a measuring tape as a measure.

    Also, you can't fixate on how much is left to lose...because that could be overwhelming. You have to focus on today and the choices you are making. Your weigh ins can be a celebration that you are making the changes you need.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    aw honey, that is tough! being very familiar with anxiety (child with a disorder, and struggling myself) i feel for you. I would try to self talk my way through it. here's a few statements to roll through your mind:

    you did it last month. you can do it again.

    this doctor knows already what you weigh, it won't be a surprise.

    it will be over in a minute, and then I have a whole month to not worry about it!

    i know i am doing my best. this painful bit is just something i have to do.

    it's not as bad as i think it is.

    better than a cavity at the dentist!

  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    first of all congratulations on starting this journey to a healthier life style you will find that whatever your issue is there is someone here who has "been there done that" and is willing to help you overcome these little bumps in the road as they come up.

    its seems to me like you are on your way, its very simple excercise daily at least 30min or more log in daily and keep within your food limit and know that the weight will begin to come off, the scale is just a tool to keep track of how your doing but its not something you want to live by especially as women our bodies tend to hold more water esp that time of the month and measuring yourself is another way to see how your doing,you will also find that some people will weight themselves every day, this does not work for me, i weight myself once a month on the 15th and his has been working for me since i started in may, i dont consider this a race so for however long its going to take me to reach my goal i am willing to continue until i reach it because i now that as long as i eat nutriously and excercise daily i will be successfull and so will you no matter how long it takes.

    also dont try to focus on how much you have to loose, give yourself a starting goal of say 10lbs and work towards that when you hit it set it for another 10 and so forth that way it wont seem like you have such a long way to go, i would also suggest you change how you think about your dr visits, (attitude is everything) think about why your going there and realize that he is there to support you in getting healthier so shouldnt that be a good reason to go? also tell him how you feel abt the scale im sure he can help you get over that as well, rome was not built in a day its going to take time for you to get comfortable with the scale and as the weight begins to come off you will find yourself looking forward to stepping on it.
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