Where were you on that fateful day?



  • Whatareherthings711
    I was in 5th grade. We heard announcements in the morning that there was a fire in the twin towers. I found it really odd and silly that they would need to tell us that. I didn't know anything til I got home at the end of the day.
  • kaylynn54
    I was at home and had just turned on the t.v. The first plane had already struck the tower. I immediately called my husband at his hotel because he was in New York for a trade show. I told him what had happened and told him to turn the tv on. His hotel was about four miles from the towers, but we were on the phone in disbelief as the second plane struck the towers. There were a lot of tears shed that day for all of the innocent lives that were lost!!! I just hope that our country doesn't ever have to go through another 9/11 like the one that we went through ten years ago!!!
  • tammyll3
    I was teaching at my first teaching position and was in a classroom with a small group of 1st graders when I got the call from my (ex)husband. I had to wait until the kids went back to their general education teacher in order for me to find out more and to watch it on television. When I did see the footage, I remember the horror I felt as I watched the planes strike the WTC. I recall the tear-stained faces and the eerie silence as I walked down the hallways. I also remember the day after when the Pledge of Allegiance was said over the loud speaker system. The kids and the adults stood so tall and each stared intently at our American Flag.

    Thanks to all who serve the public and put their lives on the line each and every day.
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Oops! I meant nearly two years later, not one.