Need some support and ideas!!!

I was doing really well on here a few months ago. I met my target weight and rejoiced by going off my (restrictive and hard) 1200-1300 calorie/day diet- yay! Unfortunately, in the 4 months since, I have put back on 8 lbs (half of the weight I lost). So, I am back on MFP to try to get those 8 off again (from 136 to 128 lbs, I'm 5'4"; my clothes are starting not to fit again). I have tried to identify where my weakest times/activities are and it really seems that (and I know I am not unique here) I am really falling off my diet at home in the evenings watching too much TV (I already canceled my cable, but have Netflix). I live alone in a very rural area. I have friends I go out with a couple of times a week and am on an online dating site and go out occasionally. I do cardio every other day and some strength training about 2-3 times a week.

So, I wanted to ask all of you what has worked the best to help in the evenings? There are a ton of things I could do (garden, landscape, talk on the phone, go for walks, etc....), but I can't seem to get the motivation to go do them. I know this is a vague question, but just looking for some support and ideas to help me along. Thanks!


  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Try writing it all on a to do list and reward yourself when its done every week!
  • Degren
    Netlflix has some free (streaming) workout videos, which would give you something to do rather than snack in the evenings. You could also get a treadmill or bike and use that in front of the TV. As far as food goes, get a couple of those "Salad in a bag" but don't use the dressing, then snack on lettuce or spinach in front of the TV.
  • mccgivens
    What I had to do was clean house. Get rid of all the stuff that gets you in trouble. I HAVE TO keep fruit in the house and low cal snacks (like your 100cal snack pouches), jello cups, Special K cereal, etc. Also, for some reason, coffee works for me. Instead of grabbing a sweet sinful item, I make a cup of (instant-starbucks) coffee and about half the time, it works. For the other half, I try to always have something that is satisfying but doesn't make me feel like I messed the whole day of hard work up. My diary is open so take a look if you would like. Most all of my "snacks" are mid morning or night time.