FOr 9/11, what will you give up this year?

I am not sure if others do this, but myself and sometimes my husband do this every year for 9/11, memorial day, ect.

Last year we gave up tv and internet.
This year I am giving up food

It is just for a day, what will you give up to honor and rememberance of those who gave up all, the sacrafice of those who were affected by 9/11?


  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm not giving up anything for the day. Rather, I'm going to write letters to those I love the most and let them know how much they mean to me. Real letters. The ones that require stamps and the USPS.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Not "Giving Up" anything. Like with "Pearl Harbor" I give respect, say a Prayer and move on. I like to Volunteer with various Non Profit Orgs. as a life commitment to help others and My community. But for Me giving up food or the Internet will not help Me empathize with those who lost Loved Ones. I am sure your intentions are pure, but just like with MLK Holiday and the like, it is not about the One Day commitment, its about a Daily or Life Time Commitment. I wish You the Best.
  • I have made a daily and life committment, like I said, I don't know if others do this also? And the friends, dear friends my husband and I have either lost, or seen injured (my husband also) because of the aftermath of 9/11, yeah we do make significant life changes, everyday!

    Anyways, both of you sound like you are doing special things, that is great!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    On 9/11 nearly 3,000 people died.

    On the first day of the Somme, over 34,000 people died.

    How many people the world over stop and think on Remembrance Day?

    I guess people will say that all of those on 9.11 were completely innocent of anything, but then again, most of the soldiers on the Somme were only following orders.

    I'm not trying to compare tragedies...both were senseless loss of life. I'm just curious as to why 9/11 seems to get far more attention and is seen as a much bigger atrocity than the first day of the Somme...
  • I think that when I said "memorial day, ect" it fell under that because I simply didn't want to post every date on here to remember, I just figured that everyone remembered those dates themselves.

    I personally think about 9/11 a lot because I feel that it was not just those people that died that day, but in the battles, and war to follow, which totals to be a lot.

    This thread was not menat to offend anyone, also it was clearly labeled 9/11, so why did you open it?
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I'm not giving up anything for the day. Rather, I'm going to write letters to those I love the most and let them know how much they mean to me. Real letters. The ones that require stamps and the USPS.

    ^^This is beautiful. And nothing compares to the old fashioned real letter with a stamp delivered by USPS.
  • I totaly agree with my wife. September 11, should be treated as a special day as Pearl Harbor did. It is significant because it happened in this country. That is not to down play any other significant situation. This day however should be reserved souly for rememberance and honor for those who died, who gave so much, and for those who continue to give. I remember when this attack happened the entire nation and other nations joined together with a determination to not seek revenge but to put the right to a great unjustice that was done. several years after that faitful day it seemed that many of those people that were united fell away with the feeling that it was all over. When in the contrary it has not stopped and we all should stay unified and grow stronger to help one another and to prevent this from happening anywhere in the world. My main point to this is not to force people to do as My wife and I are but to take a moment in remeberance of people that died in the consiquense of what happened that day, and to those who gave some, and to those who gave all.
  • Thank you sweetie, you have a way with words, and thank you for serving and contunuing to serve!
  • I'm not giving up anything for the day. Rather, I'm going to write letters to those I love the most and let them know how much they mean to me. Real letters. The ones that require stamps and the USPS.

    ^^This is beautiful. And nothing compares to the old fashioned real letter with a stamp delivered by USPS.

    I agree, I love this idea!