I'm right, she's wrong!! So why I am green with envy??!!



  • AradiaRue
    AradiaRue Posts: 10 Member
    About 8 years ago I went on the Atkins diet, and I lost a lot of weight real fast, in 7 months time I had lost 78 pounds, I hardly exercised, and to tell the truth I thought I was looking sick, the flesh was just hanging there not getting toned or anything...I stopped the diet after being tired of not being about to have some of my fav foods, and it was getting harder to find things to eat to change it up a bit, anyway I ended up gaining all of the weight back PLUS 30 pounds! and I gained it all back in less time then it took to lose in the first place...this time I am doing it right, I am eating healthy, watching calories and portions, and I am Exercising!!!! I have lost 54 pounds since Jan of this year, and I am gaining tools to help me keep the weight off as I go, and the bod is getting toned :)...You just keep doing what you are doing, You are doing everything right!!!

    I'm Getting off the Rollercoaster Ride!!!
    Heaviest weight and at start of this Journey: 294
    Joining My Fitness Pal Sept, 2011: 243
    First Small-Goal: 239
    Next Small-Goals: 229, 219, 209
    Mini Major Goal: 199
    Then the Next Small-Goals : 189, 179, 169, 159, 149, 139
    Ultimate Goal: 129
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    She may gain it all back, she may not. She may get sick, she may not. She may stop losing altogether at some point, she may not.

    Who knows?

    You can't compare yourself to other people. Everyone loses at different rates and adults can make their own decisions. I say re-frame your focus around yourself. Your own weight loss and overall health are what matter. Congrats on your loss, so far!

    oh how I wish there was a "like" button!
  • emj1978
    That's hard and I would probably feel the same way as you if I were in your shoes but you have done your part trying to help her and she doesn't want to be helped because she doesn't believe it's a problem. Move on and be proud of your accomplishments and let things work out on their own. Hopefully if she does get into trouble from the pills it won't be life-threatening and you can share your success tips with her when she's ready to listen and try to do it the healthy way.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have a friend that takes pills to help boost her weight loss too. At times I get jealous because I feel like I'm working harder but I know in the end when we are the same size (same goal weight/height) I will feel more accomplished because I *did* do it all by myself. And who knows if she'll gain it back or not. I know I won't though. I tried to get her on MFP, she said she'd join but hasn't yet & that was back in July.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    There are no shortcuts.
    For every pound she has lost, she will gain back 1-1/4.
    On the other hand, your loss will be more sustainable.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    You didn't gain weight by taking a pill, so you're not going to lose it and sustain it by taking one. I'd just drop the subject. Leave her alone. I know you care and are worried, but you're not going to change her mind. And if she brings it up again, just shrug and say, "We'll see."

    What your doing and how you are doing it is the only right way. Adapting to a life style change is the only way to lose it and keep it off - just as everyone else has said.

    And yes, she will gain it back because one cannot take those pills forever.
  • tanya0090
    Jealousy is a normal human emotion. I totally understand how you feel I have watched people "diet" and use diet pills and even go to the extent of chewing food and spitting it out. It's very sad and even more frustrating to watch them lose quicker than you. But in the grand scheme of things eating healthy and working out reflects not only on the scale but also on your overall appearance...prettier skin, healthier teeth, hair and even nails. So while those that take a short cut may show a lower number on the scale, losing weight the healthy way results in looking healthy and being healthy and losing weight in a manner which you can maintain for life, which is great! So keep up the good "healthy" work!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    DON'T be jealous. She may be losing it now, but her DIET is not a sustainable lifestyle. It sounds like you are doing something you can keep on doing for the rest of your life. Remember, you didn't put it on that quickly, so you shouldn't take it off that quickly. It's unhealthy to lose so quickly. Keep up with what you are doing. And oh, GOOD JOB GIRL!!!!!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I agree with the post that comparing yourself to other people is a road to nowhere.

    You can only live your own life, and do the best you can with the knowledge and tools you have. It is hard to accept when someone has what you don't, and when someone you care about it doing something you don't agree with. However, your friend is an adult and accepting them and what they are doing without condoning will give you peace. Hard I know.

    Now, you should be celebrating and enjoying the success you have had up until now, it is awesome, keep up the good work.
