In remembrace of 9/11

Ten years ago they attacked America, but what they didn't expect was America to stand united. Ten years ago they killed almost 3,000 people, but what they didn't expect was heros to emerge that day. Ten years ago they wanted America to cry, be scared, but what they didn't expect was America to wiped their tears, pushed back their fears and prevailed. Ten years ago Bush said "Our nation was being tested, but don't be mistaken we will pass the test". What they didn't expect was how true those words are. For you see, ten years later America still stands proud and stronger, Americas flag is still waving. For you see, ten years later we still have BRAVE men and women that are still fighting for us. For you see, ten years later America still gets threats, but America won't stand down. For you see, we will put a boot in your *kitten* if we have too, cause it's the America way. For you see, ten years later, we haven't forgotten all the lives that were lost and the heros of that fateful day. Their death was NOT in vain. Today is a day of remembrance for all the FALLEN, to let them and their families know that we haven't forgotten them or their sacrifices that they made that fateful day. America will always remember. For you see 9/11 will always be a sad day for America, but it is also a day that America UNITED.

Sorry, I'm not a good writer.
