Packed away!

So I have packed away all those clothes that don't fit any more!
I have decided that looking at them every time I open the wardrobe or drawer is not good for me. I was tempted to try some on......BAD IDEA.....despite losing weight they don't feel any better.
They are not going to be there forever though.
I have promised myself they will stay there until I am half way to my goal. At this rate they could be there some while!!!
On the positive side there are quite a lot so I can't remember them all. WHEN (not IF) I get to the half way point it will be like discovering al whole new wardrobe.
How do you motivate yourself to keep going?


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    My motivation? It's the thoughts of a new wardrobe dancing in my head! I still want (more then need) to lose about 10 pounds.

    All the 20's and 18's have gone bye-bye. I am left with 16's, a couple of 14's and 12's. The 12's fit fine but would like to be a 10.

    Hubby said when I get the bonus in Dec. from work I can spend it on clothes that fit and all the old stuff goes. I will still keep the loose pants just for the fact that during the winter at work I need to wear about 2 -3 pair of long underwear just to keep from freezing my glutes off!

    The other motavation is that I feel better about me, I look better, and when guys take a double look I KNOW it's not a "Woa! look at the size of her" look! I know, I know, I am happily married and all.....but still.......A little ego boost goes a loooong way:bigsmile:
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    I have about as much as you to lose and like you I looked at clothes, but just one. I love it to bits and where other items have bitten the dust and headed off to charity land, this one stayed in the wardrobe because I WILL WEAR IT AGAIN! The arms are too tight so here's hoping I can slim my arms down.


    I would do that instead of trying loads on and getting frustrated, concentrate on one and every little bit will make it better :)
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    The first 2 months were the hardest for me because I could see the scale go down but not much else. I just kept telling myself that the weight crept up on me for months (actually years) and did not see it until it was too late, therefore losing it should be about the same. Then , it happened!!!!! someone said to me "it looks like you have lost quite a bit of weight" I was at the minus 20 mark. Since then it has been really easy to stay on track, I have lost another 10 and still have 20 more to go. I have lost almost 3 dress sizes and all my fat clothes went to either charity or the trash. I consider this journey, a journey of a lifetime, I have changed my eating habits and do not plan on ever going back to the old ways. I do not deprive myself of anything, I use portion control and religiously enter on MFP everything that goes into my mouth. I also exercise 5 days a weeks for an hour on the Wii with 2 different programs. Discipline at the beginning is the key, then it becomes second nature.
    You can do it too. Add me as a friend if you wish. MFP is great for moral support.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks, I need all the help I can get. I exercise when I can but I have a full time job with an hour's drive each way and other commitments so I have forgotten the meaning of the words 'free time'.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Yes I know that 'arms too tight' feeling!!!
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    It is important for your own health to make time for yourself even if it is only 20mn. I dedicated all my time to everything and everyone else for many years and felt alienated. Since I started back on a healthy path I have put myself first and I feel a lot better about myself which in turns helps me take better care of all the other things and people in my life. I MAKE time for exercise, sometimes it means getting up earlier than usual but It is my me time and I have learned that giving it up for others has no rewards and usually puts me in a depressed mood. You can do it, your kids are old enough to be given responsibilities within the home, that might free some of your time, same with your husband (if you have one, lol..) Good luck, my Mom used to tell me there is no such thing as impossible because she took the word out of the dictionnary.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    You are quite right that it's about making time. My husband does his fair share and the kids do look after themselves a lot.....apart from needing a taxi service!!
    I already get up at 5.50am so any earlier really isn't an attractive option. The kids have a Wii they never use and I did think about Wii fit but there is nowhere to put it where there's a TV and enough space to exercise safely. I am thinking of getting a fold away rowing machine.
    It is good to be on here though and read about success stories, particularly from people who are over 50.