The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 4



  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    What is your favorite thing to do to work out?

    I love getting on my bicycle, and just going.. I have a baby seat for my son, and he loves taking a good ride.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    my favorite thing to workout on in the crosstrainer. It's awesome for my legs and butt!!
  • Starleng1
    What is your favorite thing to do to work out?

    I really love JM30 and Body Pump. I get an overall workout. :wink:
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    My favorite thing to do to work out is zumba!!!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    My favorite thing to do to workout is to get outside and walk/jog/run. Midway through my jog, I stop at a playground to let my son play for a bit. I bring my resistance band and a towel so that I can do sit ups and arm exercises while he plays.
  • Starleng1
    QOTD: How did you get the way you are when you decided enough was enough? And, what made you decide enough was enough?

    Me: Just plain laziness and the love of food. My wake up call was looking at a picture taken with my husband. I was bigger than him all the way around! The problem was that everyone ribbed on him and called him budda because he had that kind of belly. I thought to my self...there is no way I should be bigger than him and it made me sit back and realize how lazy I was and not in control of my self. :cry: The one area I believe we should be in control is how much we eat and how physcial we can be if we are able.

  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD: How did you get the way you are when you decided enough was enough? And, what made you decide enough was enough?

    I had gotten pretty complacent after giving birth to my first. I didn't care what I was eating, or how much I was exercising. I hadn't weighed myself in months. I used "baby weight" as an excuse. Well, my baby is almost 2 and I can't use that excuse anymore. After a family trip in June (where I ate A LOT), I decided to finally weigh myself. I weighed a lot more than I expected. I was pretty disappointed for letting myself go. Enough was enough and I started MFP on July 1. Best decision ever!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD: How did you get the way you are when you decided enough was enough? And, what made you decide enough was enough?

    I gained weight after my children who are 11 and 7 (yes, I know -- it's been a long time coming :)). I think it was that I did not take time for myself for my health. I just didn't feel like I had the time to parecel out 45 min to an hour to work out. Now I understand the importance of carving out that time since it makes me an altogether better wife, mom, person, etc.

    What amke me decide enough was enough? Sort of several things at one time -- my doctor telling me to lose weight, my biggest sized pants getting tight, and seeing a picture of myself from the backside and not realizing it was me at first -- YIKES!
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    QOTD: How did you get the way you are when you decided enough was enough? And, what made you decide enough was enough?

    I got where I was by not watching portion control,drinking too much and thinking that the sporadic exercise I was doing was enough. I decided enough was enough when I got back from Christmas and New Year holidays and weighed in at 92.5kg (204lbs) - nearly back to what I was at my absolute highest when I was desperately unhappy, so that was it, time to get healthy.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD 9/18: Since starting MFP, have you discovered any new foods or snacks that help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle?

    I have 2 foods that I'd like to share. :)

    1. Hold the Cone is a mini chocolate covered ice cream cone that I found at Trader Joe's. It comes in an 8 pack and each mini cone is only 70 calories. These mini cones allow me to enjoy ice cream without going overboard.

    2. Miracle Noodles are a calorie free, gluten free, soy free noodle product. It can be used in place of your favorite pasta or noodle. When prepared according to instruction, the noodles take on the flavor of the seasoning, sauce or soup that you cook them in. I ordered mine from Amazon but just found out that Whole Foods carries them also. They're made of water soluble fiber and are very filling. I can't believe they have zero calories. :)
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    QOTD 9/18: Since starting MFP, have you discovered any new foods or snacks that help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle?

    Non-fat greek yoghurt has become tasty - in the past it has been too tart for me, but I think my palate has changed.

    Herbal teas for some sweetness and extra fluids have also been added in to my diet. Also to increase my water intake putting some lemon juice in my water has helped tremendously.

    Well done on everyone's weight loss this week. I am proud of you all :flowerforyou:
  • Starleng1
    QOTD 9/18: Since starting MFP, have you discovered any new foods or snacks that help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle?

    Almond milk, almonds and cranberries mixed, cucumbers with a dash of balsamic vinegar.