Green Tea Benefits

So, I like to drink hot green tea a lot. I always hear green tea has many health benefits but I'm not sure if it's true. Does anyone know if it has benefits and what they are?

Thanks for the help! :heart:


  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    Apparently drinking 2-4 cups of green tea a day can burn like 70 extra calories throughout the day - it speeds up your metabolism.

    There are tons of health benifits of green tea! Just do a google search on it.
  • Kirabelly
    To sum up, here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:

    rheumatoid arthritis
    high cholesterol levels
    cariovascular disease
    impaired immune function

    I googled "green tea benefits" and this was in the first article that came up.
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    It an anitoxident - cleans your body of free radicals and such stuff! It's also a metabolism booster. Green tea mostly, but white and black can do the same I think. I drink green tea all the time too. I have several different flavors of it. I really think it's helped me with my weight loss - along with many other healthy habits I've developed. I like it cold too - pour your hot and stronger tea over ice cubes. Add more ice cubes to make it even colder. I can't stand sweetened drinks any more and iced green tea is a great thirst quencher.
  • dannylives
    it has a lot of benefits. it burns or blocks fat, or something. and its super healthy. I think i remember they said to drink like 5 cups a day, or something. The most i could bare to drink, when i was drinking it, was 4 cups.
  • CindyWarner
    Does this count as water intake too?
  • akunce
    Green tea is very healthy because its packed full of antioxidents and helps with weight loss! I drink super green tea by good earth! It has japanese matcha and sencha teas. They say it has 70% more antioxidents then regular green tea! Its quite tasty! I use either honey or zero calorie truvia to sweeten it. I drink some every day! Yes it is part of water intake! :smile:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Instead of drinking 5-6 cups a days..I bought Green Tea Extract

    Pure inventions- Green tea rasberry flavour. Just a dropper full into some drinking water and I'm good..I do believe it has helped me burn some of belly fat. :smile:
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Do you have to do the green tea from tea bags or is it acceptable to get the pre-mixed kind such as the Arizona Iced tea brand that has Ginsing in it? I know it's got sugar but are the benefits still there or only when steeped in a kettle?
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Do you have to do the green tea from tea bags or is it acceptable to get the pre-mixed kind such as the Arizona Iced tea brand that has Ginsing in it? I know it's got sugar but are the benefits still there or only when steeped in a kettle?
    I purchased green tea in a container in the health/organic section of my grocery store called honest tea and it is unsweetened- I hate sweetened tea- sort of defeats the purpose of not drinking a soda (I consider it like flat pop) - and it is really tasty. Something I won't drink all of the time but great option besides water. yes lots of benefits- most were listed by other people. Try your organic/health food aisles in stores for unsweetened versions and add stevia powder or another alternative flavoring besides sugar- much better for you.