thin versus healthy

I'm am starting to feel quite disconcerted by the number of posts that express an obsession with losing weight that overrides good health. I didn't decide to get healthy so I could obsess about food, weight, appearance etc. I wanted to be able to live life to the fullest and be free. I don't want to be replace the negative impact food had in my life with an equally restrictive obsession with staying slim at all costs!

I have read a number of posts in recent days enquiring or promoting unheathly practices because they result in weight loss eg. smoking increases your metabolism, binge drinking removes the desire to eat and causes dehydration, isolating removes the temptation to eat so just sleep more. WTF! Even more concerning is that many of these posts are being written or positively responded to by children who are apparently dieting. Scary stuff.

I joined this site to monitor my food and exercise intake as part of my preparation for a half-marathon. I have found it a useful guide for this purpose. It clearly works for some people, but is there any moderation or education considered by moderators? I aprpreciate the principle of reminding users about starvation mode (another sick debate that constantly takes place across these forums) . It is after all (sensibly) called My Fitness Pal not my My Diet Pal