Just finishing first week

I am new to MFP and I am just finishing my first week. I hit 50 this year and really want to get back into the shape I was when I got married. I was 165 and I am now at 233, the heaviest I have been in my life. As I get older it gets harder and harder, but now I am tired and need to do something. I need to get healthy again. (for my kids)


  • PhatChic1186
    Congrats on completing week 1...Way to make changes to get back to the size you want to be..
  • cynma
    cynma Posts: 76 Member
    :smile: Hi, congratulations on your first week. I joined in Aug. and love the site. Logging the food I ate really helps you think about what you are eating. If you need support add me as a friend maybe we can support each other because I could use some support too.