Many the Miles: Week 3 [CLOSED GROUP]



  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    TGIF!! Some of you need to step up your game this weekend!!

    I went for a 4 mile run yesterday and had an awesome time! I felt stronger and the weather was perfectly chilly!!
    Runkeeper crashed on me 10 secs into it and I didn't realize it until 12 minutes later lol. I restarted it to run 3 miles and I ran them at 8:06 each. It was AWESOME!! Then I mapped the distance I ran w/o Runkeeper (1.33 miles). So I ended up with 4.33 miles with an average of 8:30. Not too shabby. Then I walked a mile with my in-laws' puppies :)

    Thamre- You can do a 10k now. How about a Spring 1/2?
    Leslye- Your running progress is awesome! Very impressive. Just make sure you listen to your body and take a rest when needed! You definitely don't wanna get injured.
    Mariam- Have fun this weekend!!

    sineadangele1: 13.2 miles-DONE!
    mariawells: 15.13 miles-DONE

    Leslye125: 9.96 miles
    defygravity531: 1 mile
    CharlotteintheUSA: 3 miles
    mariababe81: 8.14 miles
    thamre: 9 miles
    kbeach08: 4 miles

  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    whoo hoo it is Friday. Kids football game tonight at my old school so I can't wait. I didn't get any walking/running in last night - had a tupperware party and won't get any tonight cause of the football game. But I plan on getting up in the morning and going 6 miles. Maybe even get a bike ride in...gotta burn off all that candy corn I ate yesterday :blushing: We might even head out to Leonard, ND to visit Acres of Terror. I love this time of year

    My goals this weekend:
    no sitting around
    run 6 miles
    bike 10+ miles (with a pillow under my bum)
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    Just wanted to check in and let you know I am up another 4.795 miles for a total of 8.795. Went for a walk last night with my little girl. :happy: I am going up north this weekend so hopefully I can get some hiking in! That would be awesome!! :happy: TGIF to everyone!!!
  • sineadangele1
    sineadangele1 Posts: 97 Member
    i forgot to post yesterday, it was a very busy and tiring day. I managed 1.6 miles. today i'm hoping to get in at least 4
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    yay! got my 7k run today! which im pleased with as no hope of formal exercise this weekend apart from dancing and walking!

    sineadangele1: 13.2 miles-DONE!
    mariawells: 15.13 miles-DONE
    mariam: 12.5miles! DONE!

    Leslye125: 9.96 miles
    defygravity531: 1 mile
    CharlotteintheUSA: 3 miles
    thamre: 9 miles
    kbeach08: 4 miles
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    5 mile treadmill run - 60 mins
    2 mile treadmill walk - 10% grade
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Only one more day to get your miles in! Get to it, ladies! :)

    I was looking at my calendar and yikes! My 1/2 marathon is less than a month away. Normally, you're supposed to taper off in order to be fully rested for the race. Well, my time constrains don't let me have that luxury so I'm going full speed ahead! I'm gonna hit the wall so hard, so I may as well hit it hard enough to break it hehe. Also, in completely unrelated news, I made peach jelly last week and I decided to enter it in the county fair since that gets you a pass for every single day. I got a yellow ribbon!! hahaha I thought it was hilarious. Next year I'm gonna bake something awesome and I'm going for a blue ribbon!

    thamre- lol at the candy corn. I know Halloween is going to be hard to get through for me! Sounds like you've got a lovely weekend! hope the football game was fun and you get/got to go to ND :)

    kbeach08- Yay! Nice going! Have fun hiking! Hopefully you can get 3 miles in to complete the challenge!!

    Sinead- You rock!! Hopefully we'll see more running? ;)

    Mariam- I hope you had a lovely time in London. Again, happy birthday!!

    Leslye- Nice job! Also, you've got a pretty decent pace. Is your husband going to be joining you more often?

    sineadangele1: 13.2 miles-DONE!
    mariawells: 15.13 miles-DONE!
    mariababe81: 12.5 miles-DONE!
    Leslye125: 16.96 miles-DONE!

    defygravity531: 1 mile
    CharlotteintheUSA: 3 miles
    thamre: 9 miles
    kbeach08: 8.795 miles

  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hello guys,

    I was not feeling well this week so I ran about 2 miles Thursday and then I had to stop. I went hiking today and I'm not sure how long it was but about 5 miles.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    It's a beautiful Sunday morning in beautiful Maryland! Hope you guys are having a lovely morning too :)
    6 of you still have some miles to go so hopefully you get around that today.

    sineadangele1: 13.2 miles-DONE!
    mariawells: 15.13 miles-DONE!
    mariababe81: 12.5 miles-DONE!
    Leslye125: 16.96 miles-DONE!

    CharlotteintheUSA: 10 miles
    thamre: 9 miles
    kbeach08: 8.795 miles
    defygravity531: 1 mile

  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    3.04 miles on treadmill - 5.3 MPH
    1.5 miles on teadmill - 3.5 MPH - 15% incline :-)
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    just in time : ran 3.1 miles today on the treadmill.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Congrats to those of you who completed the challenge! You guys rock!!

    sineadangele1: 13.2 miles-DONE!
    mariawells: 15.13 miles-DONE!
    mariababe81: 12.5 miles-DONE!
    Leslye125: 16.96 miles-DONE!
    CharlotteintheUSA: 13.1 miles-DONE!

    thamre: 9 miles
    kbeach08: 8.795 miles
    defygravity531: 1 mile
    fit_chica69: 2 miles

    patriot201: 0 miles
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member

    Look for Week 4