so why am I doing this?

Some people have asked why the sudden change to get batter. It had been planned for a while.

I was working wal-mart. I had a rotating schedule which made planning workout routines, plus tracking food very difficult because it was moving all over the time frames. People would judge me thinking I was fat and lazy. When i heard one kid who was around 6 at the time ask me if I was pregnant, I knew changes were needed.

I have heard people call me fat and what not and it did not help my moods. I had quit smoking 3 years ago so my cravings went from smoking to eating. So you can imagine the results.

I know I have heart disease. Even at age 38 I know it. When I was 13, I suffered a mild heart attack. From what I know then and now, I know it was probably a blood clot that had passed through the heart from a fall off a bike. Even before then, I could feel the heartbeats and know they were not right.

With mitral valve prolapse and the resulting Pvc attacks that come with it, It ended my soccer days in school, along with me playing sports fully. It is probably one of the most scary feelings like you were being hit by a cannon in the chest. I had seen many people who were my age on the news who died from heart related illness in their teens or 20's. I knew my career was over on sports, unless I wished to join them on statistics.

Last month, when my career with wal-mart came to a quick end, I made a promise to myself to not ever get judged again on appearance. So here i am. The heart is regulated with over the counter methods, which stabilized th beats much to my shock (after 20 + years to hear a normal beat was great). I let the fish oil, aspirin and all do its work on my body getting used to it, then i began my quest.

first week: start 282
second week start 274

who knows how far I will go with this but already seeing changes. my thighs look to be about 4 inches smaller and my fiancee says the tummy is beginning to go away. It will feel good to be judged on natural ability and not appearance ever again. I will never settle for second best again because someone judges me at fat and lazy. To hear ones say that hurts more than anyone will ever know.

I am a survivor. I will beat heart disease. I will become healthy once more. And if one tries to stop me, then they are as shallow as the rest of the world. I want to see my kids past college. I want to live to my 80's instead of 50's.

NOthing will stop me again on meeting my goals.


  • Good luck on your journey! I can relate to the heart problems at a young age. I am only 28 and have already experienced problems with my heart and blod pressure. This website will definitely help you with your goals. I have been a member for just a week and have already lost 2 pounds and am feeling great! Feel free to friend me. :)
  • With that kind of attitude, you'll meet your goals in no time!! Congrats on your victory so far and best of luck!
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    Always remember you have to try really hard to put yourself first. You can do this! I have a lot to lose too and I am taking one day at a time. Putting myself first is really hard for me but I am trying. The friendship and support on MFP is awesome. Please send me a friend request if you like

  • lostsoul2216
    lostsoul2216 Posts: 57 Member
    After my walk I hit 271. 11 down in 7 days. I will beat this. I will be fit. I will do this.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I think you will get it done..... :smile:
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Keep up the good work!!! I work at Wally World currently, and I know all about the scheduling. It makes everything so hard. One day I will work til 12 in the morning, and have to be back by 6 am. How is someone suppose to live healthy and diet like that??? I'm glad you are free from that place. I think we need to start a support group, lol. It sounds like you are so motivated and that is awesome. Add me if you would like. I love new friends :>)
  • lostsoul2216
    lostsoul2216 Posts: 57 Member
    I may go back to wal-mart, despite some *kitten* in the manager ranks it still is a good company. Part of me will always consider it family. I have spent 3.5/12 of my working years there and I do hope to go back home if they will have me.

    But regardless, they will see a different side of me than before. They wanted to judge on being fat lazy and not worthy of leadership... let them see the druid commander and the fire they lit as I get back healthy. Because come hell or high water I will win this fight.