holiday bumps!

So last week was a disasters as far has calories are concerned. I was out of town from Friday to Tuesday for the labor day weekend. I didnt go to the grocery so it was a free for all all week. Now I have to get back on track. Why is it that holidays are always my stumbling block? Anybody have any suggestions on how to make it through.

I also need to get my miles in because I am walking a minimarathon in a month :ohwell: So this week set back is not good!


  • Ashley06118
    Holidays are always hard when your're surrounded by great food. I try a little bit of everything in small portions. Make sure you aren't limiting yourself. If you feel deprieved, you'll be more likely to go overboard later. The best thing to do is let yourself have what you want, within reason and watch portion sizes. It's only every so often that a holiday comes up anyway, so don't be hard on yourself. It's what you do most of the time and the everyday habits you form that count.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    I know that for me, if I dont go into the holidays with a firm plan in place, I will go wayyy overboard! So thats my advice: With the holidays coming up, make an eating plan for the actual day, Give yourself some wiggle room to actually enjoy the holiday (have a dessert, but maybe go a little lighter on the dinner, appetizers, or wine) and realize that one day of unhealthy eating isnt going to destroy you. I've found (esp. around thanksgiving&christmas time) the weeks leading up to those holidays are worst than the actual days .... I love baking cookies,cakes, testing out recipes etc, so those weeks before are what screw me up. But here are my suggestions (in list form) to making the holidays easier on the diet:

    1) Pick 2 food items you just GOT to have @ dinner ... and one dessert that you cant do without ... and build the rest of your meal around them. For the dinner, if your "got to have" items are carbs, keep the protein portion reasonable (3-4 ounces) and have unlimited salad & veggies ,... For dessert, pick your one item, and savour it ... take 20 minutes to eat it, and really leisure and enjoy it! ... If you find your still craving something, try fruit (if available) or maybe get a cup of coffee.

    2) On the actual holidays, try to get out for a quick walk or go to the gym, It will relieve stress, give you time to yourself, keep you a little bit on your routine, and give you more calories to play with

    3) At the beginning of each week, look ahead to the events you have coming up ... if you have alot of holiday parties, work events, food events, etc, figure out which parties are going to have the best food or will be the funnest. Pick that party to give yourself a free pass.....and treat it like a holiday (follow rules 1 and 2 on that day). Most of the time, when we have alot of parties to go to, some are better than others ... and its a waste to splurge and go overboard with food on every occasion ... especially when you know your going to regret it later

    4) Start upping your gym routine ... .Add extra exercise in on the week you know you have alot to do ... that way, if you cant make it to the gym on the actual event day, you can at least know that you've worked hard for those few days leading up to it .. and you dont have to feel guilty.

    Hope this helps! =)
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    I know that for me, if I dont go into the holidays with a firm plan in place, I will go wayyy overboard! So thats my advice: With the holidays coming up, make an eating plan for the actual day, Give yourself some wiggle room to actually enjoy the holiday (have a dessert, but maybe go a little lighter on the dinner, appetizers, or wine) and realize that one day of unhealthy eating isnt going to destroy you. I've found (esp. around thanksgiving&christmas time) the weeks leading up to those holidays are worst than the actual days .... I love baking cookies,cakes, testing out recipes etc, so those weeks before are what screw me up. But here are my suggestions (in list form) to making the holidays easier on the diet:

    1) Pick 2 food items you just GOT to have @ dinner ... and one dessert that you cant do without ... and build the rest of your meal around them. For the dinner, if your "got to have" items are carbs, keep the protein portion reasonable (3-4 ounces) and have unlimited salad & veggies ,... For dessert, pick your one item, and savour it ... take 20 minutes to eat it, and really leisure and enjoy it! ... If you find your still craving something, try fruit (if available) or maybe get a cup of coffee.

    2) On the actual holidays, try to get out for a quick walk or go to the gym, It will relieve stress, give you time to yourself, keep you a little bit on your routine, and give you more calories to play with

    3) At the beginning of each week, look ahead to the events you have coming up ... if you have alot of holiday parties, work events, food events, etc, figure out which parties are going to have the best food or will be the funnest. Pick that party to give yourself a free pass.....and treat it like a holiday (follow rules 1 and 2 on that day). Most of the time, when we have alot of parties to go to, some are better than others ... and its a waste to splurge and go overboard with food on every occasion ... especially when you know your going to regret it later

    4) Start upping your gym routine ... .Add extra exercise in on the week you know you have alot to do ... that way, if you cant make it to the gym on the actual event day, you can at least know that you've worked hard for those few days leading up to it .. and you dont have to feel guilty.

    Hope this helps! =)

    Thanks :)