Juice Fasting

Anyone know anything about it? Ever tried it? Pros & cons? Thanks!


  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
  • cindaroses
    I have tried it and it works great! Although, I haven't been able to stay on it for too many days because I always give into eating. I bought a juicer, and basically juice fruit and vegetables into tasty mixtures and drink them throughout the day. I would say the cons are mostly just not being able to eat the foods you smell around you. I love the juices. In fact, I juice for my lunch and breakfast and eat a regular dinner.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Ugha. Not another one.

    Juice fasting is NOT the way to safely and effectively lose weight. Period. Hard work and eating right is the way to do it.

    THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Quit looking for one.
  • ericchastain
    ericchastain Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on day 8 of an all juice fast right now for at least 10 days and possibly as many as 60 if I can hold out that long. I've done 7 day water fasts before but those never ended well, always ended up just starving the whole time so I would overeat at the end. So far in the past 7 days i've lost 11 lbs and I feel fantastic, tons of energy... way more than before starting. I'm juicing fruits and vegetables and basically having three juices per day and filling in with water in between. There are tons of awesome juice recipes out there so you don't get bored and the whole experience for me has been great so far.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Ugha. Not another one.

    Juice fasting is NOT the way to safely and effectively lose weight. Period. Hard work and eating right is the way to do it.

    THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Quit looking for one.

    True story!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Go to www.jointhereboot.com tons of info, tons of recipes.
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    My 22 year old son, who is in excellent shape, approached me about it last night. Just haven't done a lot of research on it yet.
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Ugha. Not another one.

    Juice fasting is NOT the way to safely and effectively lose weight. Period. Hard work and eating right is the way to do it.

    THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Quit looking for one.

    Not looking for a quick & easy way to lose weight. I work out everyday and eat healthy...just trying to get some info on this stuff. Thanks!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (it's on Netflix) It's very eye opening!

    I have been juicing for a week now...I feel FABULOUS.

    I crave my juice and I enjoy it. At first you have to get used to the taste...then it's all golden.
  • cindaroses
    Ugha. Not another one.

    Juice fasting is NOT the way to safely and effectively lose weight. Period. Hard work and eating right is the way to do it.

    THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Quit looking for one.

    Not everyone is doing it for weight loss. But juicing, not juice fasting, is a good way to get a lot of nutrients. For example, kale. I grow it, but can't eat platefuls of it. Juicing it condenses it and gives me a lot of nutrition.
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (it's on Netflix) It's very eye opening!

    I have been juicing for a week now...I feel FABULOUS.

    I crave my juice and I enjoy it. At first you have to get used to the taste...then it's all golden.

    This is exactly what my son watched and then he started asking about it. Thanks!
  • ericchastain
    ericchastain Posts: 24 Member
    Watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (it's on Netflix) It's very eye opening!

    I have been juicing for a week now...I feel FABULOUS.

    I crave my juice and I enjoy it. At first you have to get used to the taste...then it's all golden.

    ^ this, I went to the grocery store last night to pick up some dog food and saw they had house plants that looked like kale outside and my stomach started growling, my stomach thought the house plants were food :D I love the taste of the juice now but it did take a few days.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    3 other couples started the same time that my husband and I did (they did it to lose weight), hubster and I to up our nutrient intake. The friends are solely juicing and 2 of them have lost 10lbs in a week. Hubster and I replacing a meal or 2. WE LOVE IT!!

    Some tips - I love celery to eat...LOVE IT. But juicing it....is awful! It's too overpowering and that is all that I can taste. So if you love celery use it...if you only like it a bit...then stay away when it comes to juicing.

    Peel your beets first, remove stems from apples, if any fruit has large seeds/pits (peaches, cherries, etc) remove them first and then start juicing! :D
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    Been reading on it a bit....no caffeine???? I'll go nuts!!! :noway:
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I was an every day coffee drinker for years....it's been over a week since I had a cup. I don't miss it at all.

    I could still drink it...I'm not doing a reboot or anything in particular, just wanting to be more clean and healthy.

    The juice is amazing....you get all the good stuff into your system and fast...I am now a juicer for the rest of my life. I wish I had started sooner!! :D
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Fasts are pointless. Soon as you return to eating solid food you will regain any weight lost.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Fasts are pointless. Soon as you return to eating solid food you will regain any weight lost.

    that is not completely true....
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Fasts are pointless. Soon as you return to eating solid food you will regain any weight lost.

    not entirely true. theyre still eating fruits and vegetables it's just in juice form. they're getting the proper nurtients and they are getting calories. if we were to eat only fruits and vegetables in their original form for an entire 60 days you would still lose the weight. its the same thing just in juice form. to the OP im totally thinking about doing this to detox my body and jumpstart my weight loss again!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I watched fat, sick & nearly dead. I thought it was really interesting when he said one of the reasons he was doing it was also to retrain his pallete to like veggies... I have noticed that I eat what I crave. The more veggies I eat, the more I prefer them over other things.

    Ever since watching the movie, I wonder if there is a way I can incorperate juicing into my daily life. I have been wondering how it compares to blending it. Obviously - If I just use my blender, I would also get all the fiber, etc. b/c it would be the whole part of the veggie. I have also been toying with the idea of cutting out coffee... I wonder if I swapped a juice or smoothie with my coffee if that wouldn't help me feel awesome.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I think juicing would be great for a cleansing period, and then incorporating into a regular balanced diet. But I'm afraid it will taste really really gross! I can't imagine drinking liquid Kale. We used to decorate the salad bar with that, not eat it! Hehe!