How'd ya meet your S/O???



  • lucywhatford
    lucywhatford Posts: 30 Member
    Met him at college, we were doing the same course but in different groups and there was a trip to Disneyland Paris. To cut a long story short, I wanted to go on space mountain, was terrified and my friend ditched me for some other guys. I'd spoken to him briefly a couple of times but he just came up to me, held my hand and went "It's ok! I'll look after you!" Spent the rest of the trip pretty much with him, and THREE months later (he doesn't do things in a hurry) he finally asked me out. We've been together 3 1/2 years now :) Moved to the same University so we would still be together and are now starting to plan our lives after Uni :D
  • boomboom011
    I met him at the Electric Cowboy. Its kinda like a Bud & Sissy thing minus the mechanical bull drama. We met in 98 and been together since with the exception of a 12 month "break".
  • Choyita
    we met playing volley ball.. he came to my court where i play with a bunch of his mates, they invited me and one of my cousins to a party that night at his place, he got so drunk, asked around for my number to text me if he said something rude to me over his drunkeness and we've been together ever since. November 2011 will be our five years anniversary.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    I met him online , I was bored one day and browsing peoples profiles not realy meaning it to go anywhere I looked at his profile not knowing it tells the other person and he messeged me asking why I never said anything to him , then we talked for 5 days almost straight .. He found out I was getting kicked out of my roomates apartment to make room
    for her boyfriend and the next day he DROVE 13 hours picked me up with all my stuff and I've been with him
    since :) and has fattened me up like 40 pounds that bugger lol
  • jessbennett1986
    I went out to a party when I was 18 and made a new friend. That new friend then set me up on a blind date with one of her male friends from high school. Ever since that day our fairytale started!:smile:
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    Junior year in HS - his bf and my bf were dating. We tried the dating thing, it didn't work out since we were both crazy kids lol. 12 years (plus a couple of failed relationships, and a couple of kids each) later, after too many vodka sours and rounds of cards, we stumbled to his bedroom together, and 3 years after that, here we still are :)
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    My brother and his friend were rehearsing a few songs with a friend of theirs for a friends 21st. They were playing guitar, she was singing. One day my brother had to work so I filled in, met her, ended up playing the gig with them all and formed a band. We got to know each other really well from all the rehearsals and ended up hooking up one night. Then we spent the next 4.5 years with each other every day. It was really hard when we spent our first day apart and it still is whenever we don't get to at least give each other a hug'n'kiss. I love the crap outta her so bad.