Losing the last 10 pounds (plateau)

Hello everyone! I've never posted a question on here, but I need some advice. I am a 25 year old female and I have been using myfitnesspal for the past few months. I am 5'5" and my current weight fluctuates between 139.2-140.2. I believe that I have hit the dreaded "plateau". The app gave me a calorie goal of 1200 per day. Since losing about 20 pounds, I have noticed my weight loss has slowed down. My friend, who is very fit, suggested I increase my calorie intake to 1400 calories per day and adding 20-30 minutes of sprint intervals to my daily exercise.

My question is, have you ever busted through your plateau by increasing your calories? I've read that it works, but it's hard to imagine eating more to lose more?

Please help! Thanks so much!



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I busted through one plateau by eating more. I ended up losing another 2 pounds (but I don't really have a lot to lose, either). I then decided to try lowering in my carb intake and cutting out most processed carbs. I'm down another 3 pounds.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for the reply! I think I need to try and cut more carbs, as well. My goal weight is 130. Hopefully, I can bust through this and get where I want to be. :)
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    I got through a plateau at the 20 pound mark by starting to make sure I drank enough water. I'm 5'10" and 166 pounds, and from what I researched online, I should be drinking between 10-11 8 oz glasses a day. I have a stress fracture in my back so I can't really exercise like I would like to, and this increase in water made all the difference in jump starting my weight loss.

    It's worth a shot if this isn't something you've tried yet. :)
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for replying!! :) I try to drink a lot of water. I actually havegot passed the plateau, finally. Turns out, cutting out most processed foods did the trick. I've been sticking to lean meats and veggies, fruit in the a.m., and nuts. It's working well for me!