Walking on the edge

I have been walking on the edge as far as my health is concerned. My intentions have been to eat right and exercise but I always seem to over eat and skip on the exercise. Last week it all caught up to me. After eating a big lunch of a cheeseburger, fries, bread pudding and a pepsi I started to experience a very rapid heartbeat and heart palpitations. I have now been afraid to eat and when I do I only eat a small amount. I have made a doctors appointment to get this checked out but it has definitely scared me to the point that I am going to get serious about my health. It is not going to be easy because I love to eat but I love to breath much more.


  • nikki91950
    i don't think they'll tell you anything major at the doctors. i've had that happen before, too, and more than just once. i think it's from all the sugar, or just eating too much at once in general.
  • LindeeouWho
    Anxiety is something I dealt with my whole life. After doc put me on
    anti-anxiety meds my weight ballooned up 85 lbs!..... today I am totally off ALL meds and learning to use exercise as a "meditative" way to cope with anxiety. Most likely your event was a intense fear over what you had just done. I URGE you to check it out with a doctor and then learn NEW ways to deal with anxiety. God Bless!
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I had something like that. The doctor said it was anxiety. Freaked me out!

    I hope its nothing serious. Best wishes!!