
Hi There,

My name is Sonja and i live in Bermuda. I have struggled with my weight every since i had my kids.

I have managed to lose few pounds in the last 2 months, and now looking to start a new me.

So me and my friend have desided to do "INSANITY" with a diet that should support healthy eating
and also to help us to loose the weight .

As you can see i still have 30 + pounds to go. Please tell me I can do this ???!!!



  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Hi Sonja!

    You CAN do it!! Insanity comes with a meal plan, by the way. Easy to follow.

    You'll have to call Beachbody to have them ship your order internationally, or coordinate with a coach that's willing to personally ship your items to you in Bermuda.
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    You can totally do it! Insanity helped me lose most of my weight!! You got this!! :bigsmile:
    Good luck!!
  • CamiXiomara
    You can do this! Anything that you set your mind to do, you can do! But in reality, it's not up to us to tell you this... we can motivate you, we can encourage you, but in the end, this is your battle. Be committed and determined. When the wave of willpower dies, rely on the goals and accomplishments you've already acquired! Strive to be the best. Remember a healthy mind, lives in a healthy temple - your body. You can do anything you set your mind to do. You can do it! Have trust and you will see yourself slim down and it will be the best reward!
  • Ramona73
    Ramona73 Posts: 3
    Ok Girls.... I dropped out.....but i am back on track now....i am starting from the beginning again with pressure training for a half marathon to run in Bermuda on the 24th of May holiday coming up......I have to loose at least 20 lbs.
  • kajo50
    kajo50 Posts: 12
    Losing 20lbs by May 24th is a bit of insanity all in its self, in my opinion. You do realize that is just 2 months away, right? I know it is possible to lose 20lbs in that amount of time but are you really going to learn anything in the process? How long do you think it is going to stay off?
    I am all for losing weight and dream of running myself but more than anything I just want to keep the weight off once and for all. Whatever you decide I wish you success in your goals.
