Baby weight is depressing!!



  • summersmaze
    summersmaze Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in the same boat though it's only been 8 months since I've had my son - the weight loss journey has been an effort to say the least. I was doing good, but then had many sleepless nights as a result of teething which turned into bad food choices. I wokr during the day so I find I can get a little workout in at lunch and then try to force myself to workout again after he falls asleep. It's gotta be mind over matter - I think that's the key. What's your goal and then focus on that - it's so hard though when it's so easy to get sidetracked. It makes me feel better that I'm not the only one struggling with the baby weight :wink:
  • anvacarz
    New, as well, and in the same boat! My little girl will be 3 in less than a month. While the scale shows that I've lost weight, this is DEFINITELY NOT the body that I had before her. I hate to extra skin in my gut and everything just feels so loose... Please feel free to add me. I'm looking for other moms that know the pain of stretch marked thighs and that flab of skin that just sort of hangs from your belly when you bend over... Ugh!

    :) Looking forward to this journey with you.
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    What a popular topic! I am totally in the same boat! I am also very new to MFP, so please add me as a friend. I need the support! I have a son who is now 17 months (does time just fly?!?); I didn't lose ANY of the baby weight until he turned 1 year! Ahh! It was awful, but I've kicked my exercise up to high-gear and am hopeful that my old body is in here somewhere! I've lost a little, but have a ways to go. We can do this!
  • Peach4682
    Well I've read everyone's post about their baby weight and weight gain since. Well before I got pregnant I was 125 lbs and when I went into labor I was 216. I lost a whopping 16 pounds after my daughter was born. She is almost 10 months old and I have only now seen my weight dropping. I hate the fact that I can't fit into my size 4 jeans...I am so over wearing maternity clothes but for now I have to since it's all that fits and I refuse to go out and buy and clothes I won't ever wear because eventually they'll be to big.

    I have been using MFP for about 2 weeks now and have lots 6 lbs so WOO HOO!!! So I encourage everyone to stick to it. I have since stopped drinking soda which I am very sad about but I remember when I lived in Texas that I cut soda out of my diet and I dropped from a size 7 pant to a size 4. So I know I am gonna lose weight from that and then cutting back on me eating and working out a lot more.

    Add me as a friend and we can all help each other lose all this baby weight!!!!
  • SheaHF
    SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
    Ugh, I totally agree. I've finally lost a little weight, but refuse to buy clothes that fit bc I still feel like they are fat clothes. I can't wait to fit into my pre-preg pants again. I wasn't super skinny then, but comparing to what I am now, I am feeling like I was. Lol! My goal is to get back to my pre-preg weight AND size--but if I could get down to what I was when I got married (or smaller), that would be amazing! Anyway, it is so nice to know that I'm not the only one who didn't slim down instantly after having their baby.
  • mrnene
    Hi, My name is Jana, I had a baby 3 1/2 months ago. I am in complete agreement with you. I am having trouble staying on track too. Please add me so that we can support each other.
  • Bargeron
    i am glad to see i am not alone. i have a two year old and my other is almost 3 months. i will lose a few then eat something i shouldnt and it will come right back and i got to start all over :sad: . i am at 175 and hope to be at 145 by the new year!!!
  • science_star
    I'm also going to be spending the next 6-12 months losing weight I gained from 2 pregnancies. I never lost all the weight from my first pregnancy 4 years ago, but have recovered from my second c-section much, much better and am ready to exercise more, and being mindful about what I'm eating whilst also breast-feeding a growing baby.

    I'm new, so add me as a friend and support me as I get slimmer and fitter!
  • erinmichelle85
    Hey guys, it looks like I'm in good company, struggling with left-over baby weight. My little girl is a year old now (yesterday) and I'm definitely struggling to lose the rest of the weight. Any support would be much appreciated and I'd love to come alongside you as well. Let's be friends and do this together!
  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    wow it really is so reassuring to see other ladies in the same position....I was about 10 pounds overweight before getting pregnant, then I went from 164 pounds to 232.5 pounds 4 days before I gave birth, thank god now down to 166.5..(little one is 19 weeks old today....I think alot of it was water weight plus breastfeeding has been my saviour!)

    Still got another 40 pounds to get to my goal weight which I haven't been for the last 12 this mummy jelly belly has to go...I need new clothes but I too don't want to waste the money till I get to a weight I am happy with....bring on the 30ds!

    We can all do this ladies!