So according to my goal of 1.6 lbs per week.

I could be down to the mid 150s by Mid-December.

I am currently at 178.

Eating 1200 calories a day, doing the daily 30DS, running 3 times a week, with a mountain bike ride on the weekend, and eating back about half of my excercise calories.

Is it really possible that I could be 150 by Christmas? That would be the BEST Christmas present to myself!

Not to mention heading to Disney before Christmas, which I never want pictures taken of me because of my weight. I could be proud of my pictures.

Is it possible?


  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    It is certainly possible, but it's also very probable that you may plateau along the way, especially if you're only eating 1200 cals a day. I was on a similar plan (ate 1200 cals a day, spin class 3-4 times a week) and my body plateaued after only losing about 7 lbs or so. If this happens, don't worry! I upped my cals to 1390 by changing my goal to only losing .5 lbs per week, and the weight starting coming right back off again. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    It is possible - good luck!!

  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    It's possible... But you may plateau, or have to lower your goal as you get close to your final weight.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It is certainly possible, but it's also very probable that you may plateau along the way, especially if you're only eating 1200 cals a day. I was on a similar plan (ate 1200 cals a day, spin class 3-4 times a week) and my body plateaued after only losing about 7 lbs or so. If this happens, don't worry! I upped my cals to 1390 by changing my goal to only losing .5 lbs per week, and the weight starting coming right back off again. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree. For most people 1200 calories is too little for sustained weight loss. Don't be afraid to increase it a little and definitely make sure you're eating your exercise calories!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    It's possible, but important to remember that the less you weigh, the less your body will be willing to give up the extra weight. You will have great weeks, OK weeks, and not-so-great weeks, and the important thing is to not let the numbers dictate your success. If you are living healthier and looking better, than that is what is important. :)

    That said, if you are doing your body right and it feels like it is sustaining enough, and your goal weight is further down than 150, then you should be good. Realize, though, that our body doesn't always agree with the numbers that we see. For instance, I have been eating and maintaining a 500-per-day calorie deficit, but have lost nothing in 2 weeks. Theoretically, I should be because of the deficit, but for whatever reason, my body disagrees with my theory.

    Good luck! I'm rooting for you!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Sure, it's certainly possible. But might I suggest making sure your net calories equals 1200. Eating only 1200 but then exercising a lot will cause your net calories to go below 1200. That might not be so healthy. Good luck!
  • mhopp71
    mhopp71 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes it is possible. I have lost 45 lbs since May 1st. That is 10lbs a month. I don't always eat back my calories however
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    how tall are you? beucase i feel like ive been trying to get to 150-160 for what seems like FOREVER [almost a year] and have been stuck in the mid 170s! [im 5'9, so im not far from my goal but still i know ive got some fat to spare]
  • I could be down to the mid 150s by Mid-December.

    I am currently at 178.

    Eating 1200 calories a day, doing the daily 30DS, running 3 times a week, with a mountain bike ride on the weekend, and eating back about half of my excercise calories.

    Is it really possible that I could be 150 by Christmas? That would be the BEST Christmas present to myself!

    Not to mention heading to Disney before Christmas, which I never want pictures taken of me because of my weight. I could be proud of my pictures.

    Is it possible?

    I started around your current weight (179lbs late June this year). Right now I am around high 150s- low 160s. The first twenty pounds came off in a month and half and I've been pleateauing for more than a month now, which is frustrating. I have no one to blame but myself, though. I've been lazy and way too comfortable with my weight now that everyone's been complimenting me. :(

    With that said, anything is possible, you just need to keep at it!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I'm 5'5".

    I try to make sure I get my 1200 calories, and like I said I eat back half (at least) of my exercise calories.
    Sometimes, I just have too many left at the end of the day and feel full.

    I allow myself an "eat out and don't worry about it" day too.

    I am really excited about the prospect of this.

    I haven't seen my brother for almost two years and he's coming home for Christmas. I would love to be all skinny and toned to see them.
  • JennyGirl83
    JennyGirl83 Posts: 5 Member
    It is certainly possible, but it's also very probable that you may plateau along the way, especially if you're only eating 1200 cals a day. I was on a similar plan (ate 1200 cals a day, spin class 3-4 times a week) and my body plateaued after only losing about 7 lbs or so. If this happens, don't worry! I upped my cals to 1390 by changing my goal to only losing .5 lbs per week, and the weight starting coming right back off again. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree. For most people 1200 calories is too little for sustained weight loss. Don't be afraid to increase it a little and definitely make sure you're eating your exercise calories!

    At the risk of sounding like a dope can someone please explain this to me? Why does eating more calories help with weight loss?? Sorry... I'm pretty new to the whole healthy lifestyle thing :blushing:
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    It is certainly possible, but it's also very probable that you may plateau along the way, especially if you're only eating 1200 cals a day. I was on a similar plan (ate 1200 cals a day, spin class 3-4 times a week) and my body plateaued after only losing about 7 lbs or so. If this happens, don't worry! I upped my cals to 1390 by changing my goal to only losing .5 lbs per week, and the weight starting coming right back off again. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree. For most people 1200 calories is too little for sustained weight loss. Don't be afraid to increase it a little and definitely make sure you're eating your exercise calories!

    At the risk of sounding like a dope can someone please explain this to me? Why does eating more calories help with weight loss?? Sorry... I'm pretty new to the whole healthy lifestyle thing :blushing:

    Very simply put (I'm sure someone else could explain more scientifically but this is the jist of it) - the closer you get to your goal weight, the less of a deficit your body can handle to lose weight. Basically, a person with 100 lbs or more to lose can handle say, a 1000 calorie deficit, while a petite woman just 10 lbs from her goal can only do a 200 calorie deficit. (These numbers are just an example) If she creates too large of a deficit, the petite woman may put herself into starvation mode unwittingly and stall her weightloss, even though she is working out religiously and eating healthily.

    Additionally, you want to prepare your body to eventually reach "maintenance" level calories. This is best done by gradually upping your calorie intake over time, so that as your reach your goal weight, you level out to your maintenance intake.

    Keep in mind also, whether you're eating 1200 cals or 1600 cals, these are still LOW calories levels compared to what you may have been eating pre-MFP. I for one was shocked to realize I'd unknowingly been eating over 2100 cals A DAY, when all the while thought I was a very "health conscious" person.

    I hope this helps! I'm no doctor by any means, just speaking from personal experience and what I've seen work for others.
  • JennyGirl83
    JennyGirl83 Posts: 5 Member
    @agreen7 - Okay that makes more sense. Thanks so much :happy: