Any Paleo/Primal eaters here?

Hi everyone! I just recently (5 days ago) started a paleo/primal "diet" and I'm wondering if there is anyone on MFP following the same? I'd love to make some pals for support and guidance!

Thus far, the journey has been good. I've been trying some great new foods and recipes and i'm so excited every day to find something new to cook or eat! In the past few months I'd become so uninterested and disenchanted with food, eating had become such a chore, and I usually just ate the first thing around (never a healthy thing, of course.) it's nice to be jazzed about it again!

In the past 5 days i've lost 2.2 lbs total body weight, although I really hesitate to say weight loss is WHY i'm on this "diet" - I really am interested in eating healthier and meeting my body's true needs - but that's definitely a perk and helps with motivation!

So if you are interested in having another friend for your list, hit me up! Thanks :)