Please share NSVs....

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
I know we all love to see the numbers on the scale go down each week but seriously in the end who really gives a crap about the final number on the scale when you add up all the amazing non scale victories we all achieve each and every day????

I have decided to start CELEBRATING NSVs more often than the stupid ones on the scale since mine is not moving in the correct direction right please share your NSVs as they happen or even think back during your journey and share what you remember and how you felt when you reached that VICTORY!!!!

i'll start...i have already posted about this but i noticed it even more today when i got out of the shower....i can now fully wrap a regular standard sized bathroom towel around my body...there are absolutely no gaps, actually the towel overlays itself at least 5-6 inches at the top and maybe 2-4 inches at the middle and bottom...this feels amazing...i could walk out of the bathroom in front of non family if needed and not be exposed at all......

please share yours....


  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    On Friday I sat in a camping chair that I haven't been in for 3 months. I thought the chair felt bigger, but it was my butt is now smaller. That was a good feeling.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Mine was that I could put on my jeans without squirming, wiggling or getting extra help from my fiance to put them on. :)
  • 1goodymom67
    Going to the gap and trying on size 10 skinny jeans with no muffin top!!
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    My NSV... skinny jeans! The look on my face in the first one says it all.... :laugh:

  • LaurieEReid
    I was acting as game show hostess at our little charity auction and someone told me after that I look fantastic!
  • marzahl68
    NSV 1 - My legs don't feel like lead anymore.
    NSV 2 - Boobs and belly are not one thing anymore!
    NSV 3 - I see a difference in photos I took 2 weeks ago and again yesterday.
    NSV 4 - Grey cargo pants fit without hurting me!
    NSV 5 - My stomach is now okay with smaller portions!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    This morning while getting dressed, put on the only clean shorts I had in the closet. Fitted nicely and then realizing they are a size 16. When I started my journey 8 months ago, I was in a size 28.
  • marzahl68
    I wanna do that too and I will. Going for Levi's 501 though....
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I had my first NSV yesterday, it was fitting into one size smaller jeans!!! It helped me set my first mini goal of 15 pounds by Halloween.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    My recent NSV was making it all the way across the monkey bars at the playground by our house. When I first tried them (about a year ago), I couldn't even hang on with two hands, let alone make it to the next bar! I had zero upper body strength and about 20 extra pounds. Then, a few weeks ago, I made it all the way across (10 bars). What a great feeling!

  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    I have already posted these....but, don't mind sharing again.

    1st NSV: Size 18/20 pants down from a 26/28
    2nd NSV: Size 42 D bra down from a 48 DD (yesterday!)

    I agree that it is not all about the number on the scale, these non-scale victories are fantastic motivators!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    NSV : I walked up the hill before my house without taking a break (it's a hell hill so this was a pretty big deal)
    NSV : I danced for 15 minutes straight without having to take a break (:D)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I've fit back into all of the pants that didn't fit me last February.

    Having always been someone who has hated running, I can now go 4 miles and am training towards a 10K in late October.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I saw a video of myself from this Saturday and thought who is that with the thin looking legs. It was me!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    my first favorite NSV was that I could do chinups!!! Never was I able to do that until MFP!

    CHIN UPS!!!!
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    My scale wasn't kind this week but my waist is 3.5 INCHES less after only 1 month!!!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I've lost 11 lbs since i started MFP but total of 23. this has taken me from a size 22 to an 18, from a 42DD bra down to a 38DD, and only 29 pounds more, and I will weigh less than my husband, LOL This is the closest I have ever been to that.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    My NSV.. I went to American Eagle and when I went a yr ago I was in a size 12 and now I wear a size 6. I havent wore a size 6 since 9th grade. I was so excited..THANK U JILLIAN MICHAELS.. and still going.. :)
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    When I started at the gym two months ago, 3.5 mph and 5.5 on the treadmill got my pulse up to 145 and it took me 20 minutes to feel human again after a 45 minute workout.

    Now, 3.8 and 6.0 gets my pulse up to 130, and I feel great before I even make it to the shower room.

    All of the shorts I wore last summer now require a belt, or I'd become a peep show!

    My dress pants went from "I can't breath" to "hmm, need to hit the 3rd hole on the belt instead of the first"
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    I LOVE THIS. I have zero upper body strength and am now making this one of my fitness goals. I will cross the monkey bars eventually. Thank you!!!!!

    My recent NSV was making it all the way across the monkey bars at the playground by our house. When I first tried them (about a year ago), I couldn't even hang on with two hands, let alone make it to the next bar! I had zero upper body strength and about 20 extra pounds. Then, a few weeks ago, I made it all the way across (10 bars). What a great feeling!

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