Feel like I'm eating too much...

rcb722 Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
So I finally went back in and figured out my BMR using the MFP tool, and it was about 250+ calories higher than the 1200 that I had been trying to stick with, as that was the "diet" target that I had always tried before. Add to that eating my exercise calories of around 500-600 a day depending on the length of my run (1/2 marathon training) and I feel like I'm eating quite a lot of food. Does anyone else think this way? According to MFP, I'm well within the range for a 1lb/week weight loss.

Does it sound like I did something wrong?


  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    The only way you can tell if you're eating too much is if you gain weight or not.

    Counting calories is important, and has helped me so much. But don't get too obsessed with the number. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat just because you've got 50 (or however many) caories left.

    When I was choosing how much I wanted to eat I tested out my BMR/calorie intake on lots of different calculators online, and found an average. Don't just take the advice of one.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    If you're training for a half marathon, you need the nutrition. Just make sure you're not eating empty calories - go for those carbs and protein.
  • rcb722
    rcb722 Posts: 19 Member
    Well, I'm wondering if I've been under eating for all of these months. I've ran countless hours, worked out with Jillian Michaels videos, and did a month long early-morning bootcamp, all with no results at all. (Well, that 11 lbs is for the entire year)

    I guess you're right about not getting obsessive about the number, but it makes me wonder if I've been making my body hold on to more fat. I've heard a lot about that "starvation mode" but never really thought it was applicable... Hmm...
  • Jeffmo79
    Jeffmo79 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're eating 1200 calories a day then yes, your body is probably in starvation mode, holding onto more fat & slowing your metabolism down to hold onto it. It's difficult to grasp but in order to lose weight you have to eat more - especially if you're training for a half marathon. I currently use & have had great success with absdietonline.com. It's easy to use & gives you your meal plan / calories & percentages based on the info you put in (measurements, height, weight, activity level, etc...). I use MFP for on the go calorie tracking on my iPhone if I need to make a decision on what to eat. This site also has great community support where the absdietonline has almost none. Depending on your size, you should probably be going for a 1600 cal per day target, especially if you're training (possibly more) and they should be made up of 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat. By increasing your calories & having the right balance, you'll have better energy & endurance for your race. (And yes, I used to be a personal trainer before joining corporate america). Figuring all this out is impossible - that's why the meal planner on the absdiet site makes it easy - not free tho, $14 per month if you do month by month & $10 per month if you do 3 months at a time. Also, I know you're training for the marathon but some strenght training is a must as well - especially legs (lunges are perfect as are squats & will help your run). Good luck & if you would like to supply more info (height, weight & goal), or have any questions i'm happy to answer.
    Good Luck !!!
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