How do I access MyFitness recipe database?

anjukins Posts: 103 Member
I keep adding my recipes to the database, but how do you find other people's recipes? Also, I've been adding them to the database just so my husband can use them in his calorie tracker profile without me having to add all the ingredients two times (we're jack spratt and wife, nice to meet you- if we could trade weights, it'd be perfect!) but they're not showing up when i'm searching the database for them in his profile. Can you help? Thank you!


  • sshap21712
    If you've saved it to the My Fitness Pal database, it should turn up under the database tab when you search it. It should come up as "Homemade - whatever"
  • ShirShayna
    Ok. I can see the recipe names and nutritional data for recipes that people shared.... but not the list of ingredients, etc, which is what I need. Can you only do this from the site and not from the app?

    I REALLY agree. Sharing recipes with other people is absolutely necessary. I have been assisting friends/relatives with diet/nutrition/meal plans. I have to create an account for eac person, and then go in and add all of the recipes AGAIN for every single person. This is way too time consuming, and makes this the wrong app for collaboration.... There are so many things that are good about this app, but this seems to be a major limitation.
  • JJakester
    JJakester Posts: 2 Member
    I have to agree that a recipe database which one could access for all entries would make this app great.